Ellie waiting for her turn. "You will have to wait four years, hon."

We had a great time taking Emma to get her ears pierced. When we were driving there the girls kept saying that they had butterflies in their stomachs. I have to admit I did too. Once we were there Emma was so brave. Her little friend Bailey said that she had thousands of butterflies. Emma was getting nervous at this point. She let the girl mark her ears and then put the gun up to her ear. She counted 1...2....3 and bam the first one was done. Emma was smiling but not sure what to think about this. Then the girl asked Emma if she was ready for her next ear. Emma said, "NO I don't think I am ready." After a couple more times of saying this the girl said I think your ready, grabbed her ear and just shot. She didn't even count. I was glad, because I think Emma might have pulled away. She was a little shocked at first and then took one look at it and fell in love. She didn't say much just smiled. Her cute little friend said "I think I will wait until I am twelve to get mine done." It was hilarious. Ellie was very disappointed that she didn't get hers done. She will have to wait for another four years though.
After we went and got ice cream and listended to the girls talk about all the beautiful earrings that Emma could wear. It was a really fun time.
What a brave girl! Love the pic of the two of you together.
That's a big step Emma. I can't wait to see pictures with all the way cool earrings you get to wear.
Tara asked when she could get her ears pierced. I told her when she could do it without crying. Her response, "Oh, I guess I have to wait a while still."
What a big, brave, adorable girl! Love the earrings!!
Aaah, what a fun milestone!!! I love it when they are old enough to decide they really do want it! So cute!!! A birthday and REAL earrings all in one month...awesome!
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