I am wondering why in the world it took so long to get to school when they left in plenty of time. JJ had decided that they should go through the field by our house. This is a BIG .. HUGE no no at our house. When JJ walks with Emma they are to stick to the sidewalk. Also, when it has just rained, the field is muddy. They are not suppose to play in the mud before they go to school. Well, JJ thought that the short cut was the way to go so he told Emma she had to too. (I going to have to talk to her about peer pressure.) There is a stream in this field that has to be crossed in order to get to school. The water level is up because of spring run off. They get to the bridge and Emma is to scared to cross. JJ threatens her with her life if she doesn't cross. "Moms going to kill us" kind of stuff, so Emma is terrified to say the least. She takes off running home and JJ is trying his best to restrain her because he knows if she steps foot in the house he will be in big trouble. They decide to go around the pond. This made it so they were late getting to the cross walk. My kids then decided the best thing to do would be to come home.
This all took them 45 minutes to do. Needless to say they both stayed home from school that day because it was short day and after I had yelled at them it was to late to take them. Did I say yell? I meant "explained" things to them ;). JJ became Cinderella and had to do everything his evil step mother expected "all day long". To top it off he was grounded for life. Emma just had to play with Ellie all day.
I often wonder why some rules are okay to break while others must be obeyed. Going through the field was okay in JJ's mind, but crossing the cross walk without the Crossing Guard was not okay. What blows my mind about that is when JJ walks to church and has to cross that same street without a crossing guard. Go figure.
Today while I was getting Emma's hair ready for school she was chatting with me like she always does. Out of the blue she must have had a flashback of last Friday when she said "Mom I decided that the field should be called the long cut." I got a good chuckle out of that. Wisdom of a six year old.
JJ will be happy to know that he is officially not grounded when he gets home from school today. I will be happy that I am no longer the warden. I just hope that he has learned his lesson.
That story makes me totally remember being a kid. Somethings sound so much better before we do them! And you can get in way more trouble listening to an older brother than you originally thought!
Or an older sister....love you Lar! And Megan, sounds like you handled it very well. It is hard being the warden though. But how else do kids learn the consequences of their actions and all of life's great lessons!
Man oh man that is crazy!! And no way am I prego! Nor do I want to be. Maybe next year!
Poor, sweet Emma. I was like JJ growing up...bossing my little brother around. Now he's bigger than me and I have to be more careful :)
I hope Elsie is okay!? It's really scary when they're so tiny and they have health problems.
Oh my, I was really hoping that this terrible 2's stage of not listening to mommy would eventually pass into amazing children who listen to me ALL the time! So your telling me it just changes into a different kind of challenge-Great! You handled it perfectly and that picture of JJ totally made me smile :)
I love getting to read about all of your family stories. Thanks for inviting me to your blog.
Oh my goodness Megan--I love how you said you "explained" things to them, lol. Glad to know Emma isn't too traumatized, that JJ isn't grounded, and that they are both okay!
classic jj
Funny, but not so funny! Where are the crossing guards on Sunday anyway?
Poor little Emma! I feel bad for her, but she needs to learn to not listen to JJ! hahah JK! I love JJ!
HA HA!! I LOVED that story it is so cute. Ok it isn't cute that they did that but just such a cute story I don't really know how to explain what I am trying to explain. Anyways I just love kids they are so fun and crazy at the same time and they have to funniest brains. I LOVE IT!
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