I should start this story by letting you all know that Elsie got pulled off of our high bed today by her sweet sister Ellie. I had left the room for only a second to get a phone when I hear Elsie scream. So I run in on Ellie picking her up off of the floor. (upside down by her legs)
After about an hour of scared parents watching our infant we decided that she was okay. The kids went out to play while Jeron and I calmed our nerves down. This is when I hear a cry from the back yard where my kids are playing. I looked out the window and see JJ carrying a crying Ellie. She had her hand over her mouth but I could tell she was crying. I watched for a second and then she moved her hand from her mouth and I see blood everywhere. For those of you who don't know my house, I don't have stairs off of my deck. I had to run to the front door and around to my back yard to save my baby. Blood was gushing out of her mouth when I got to her. JJ was covered and so was Ellie. What happened was JJ was carrying her and he fell. This is the result of what happened. Poor thing. I hate when she falls. She has wicked sharp teeth and they always get her good.
I think that the lessoned learned from this are:
1. ALWAYS listen to the still small voice telling you to move the baby.
2. Never trust a 3yr old with DS to leave her sister alone.
3. When you try to calm down make sure you get ready for what is about to come
4. When blood is gushing out of the mouth it doesn't always mean internal bleeding.
5. Last but not least What comes around goes around. (Elsie fell because of Ellie, Ellie then got dropped on her head by JJ.) I guess JJ better watch out.
Are you kidding? What an emotional day that had to have been for you! I'm glad everybody is okay. I can't believe how freaking cute your kids are...even with blood all over! :-)
Omigosh! I am so sorry! I hate when you don't listen to that still small voice! It happens though; no worries. I am sure Elsie is fine (says the most paranoid person on the planet). Poor Ellie and her mouth too. I feel bad for EVERYONE! So sorry; what a rough day. Here's hoping for a better day today.
Ouch! Poor Ellie and Elsie. Thanks for tagging me.
Man oh man... you have me worrying about those little chitlins more than I should... I'll hate to see how I am when I eventually am a Mom.
And you still let Jeron go play baseball?! You get the wife of the year award. Your poor babies! I am so sorry that happened to both of them but it looks like they have recovered beautifully and I hope you and Jeron have as well.
Oh man I am so sorry!! That is not a fun day. Gosh that was a ton of blood for just one cut on her mouth. I would have been freaking out geez. Can you believe kids actually survive to be adults.
The poor little dears! Her sleeping picture is priceless!
Those poor babies! What an awful day! I'm glad everyone is okay---:heart:
Sick. Blood. Ouch. Ya I learned that lesson to listen as well! It's a hard lesson to learn!
I'm glad I got to see them and make sure they were both okay. Love those kids!
Holy Cow...I was way stressed reading that post! What a good, calm mother you are! Your kiddos are so dang cute! I am glad everyone is doing okay! Hope your feeling good too!
Wow, what a day! You deserve a break!
seriously, gotta love the kids, they survive so much. Ellie's mouth looks so painful, are her teeth okay? You just have to know that it happens to the best of us. Cacia
Even though there are upsetting things in that post you still had me laughing - esp. the last part! So true! I say, "Always listen to the still small voice when it tells you anything." Every time I haven't listened I've regretted it. Like that time that I ignored the feeling to check on Chloe and she had opened a childproof bottle of Advil and was eating it...I could go on. Poor little Ellie
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