I haven't been tagged for so long that when I saw that I was I had to scan the list of bloggers to make sure she meant me. I love these things. Thanks Mindy for tagging me.
A. Post the Rules
B. Answer all the questions about yourself
C. After you are done posting, tag 5 people.
1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was going to school at SLCC, working for my Dad in Kaysville, and dating Jeron hoping he would pop the question soon
2. 5 things on your To Do list today
A. Clean Bathroom (JJ is doing right now because he got in trouble)
B. Organize Elsie's bedroom.
C. Watch a movie with Jeron. House arrest date night.
D. Check Jeron's English class homework
E. Play with each child individually.
3. Snacks I enjoy
Root beer floats, rice crispy treats, apples, grapes, cookies, chips, brownies (I don't know why I am putting on the weight)
4. What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire?
I like what Mindy put first and it is the same for me. pay tithing, pay off my house, both sets of parents bills, set up trust funds for every relative I have, by a new house what am I saying pay of my house. I would buy a lot of land and have all of my family live by me and have our own little compound. Then I would start taking poor family's and help them establish a good life. Not just give them money but a better way to live. Skills stuff like that. TRAVEL
5. 3 bad habits
Yelling, I watch way to much TV, and procrastination
6. 5 places I've lived
Las Vegas Nevada, Burley Idaho, Sandy Utah, Sugarhouse SLC Utah, Fruit Heights Utah
7. 5 Jobs I've had
Video Express, Victoria's Secret, clothing store forgot the name, Meads Physical Therapy, and U of U Pediatrics.
8. 5 things people don't know about me
I would drive topless (with bra on) to see what reaction I would get, I have a birthmark on my ankle, I don't have the hots for Ashton anymore, I love "7's" as I call them (7,14,21,28) on the calendar, and last but not least I would love to chase Tornado's or be in the CIA
I Tag Jana, Hailey, Maren,Chelsea, Shannon,and who ever else wants to do it.
Book Tag
Here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book (at least 123 pages).
2. Turn to page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog
5. Tag 5 people
My nearest book is lame!
The Call To Write, By John Trimbur
"I was Thrilled to be able to build my own shoes and my personal ID was offered as a small token of appreciation for the sweatshop workers poised to help me realize my vision."
I tag Laura, Emily, Abi, Calee,and Mindy