We woke up and Maren made us a fantastic breakfast. It was the best German Pancakes I have ever had. She made this coconut syrup that was to die for and then topped the pancakes with strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. My mouth is just watering while I think about it. mmmmmmm
After breakfast we headed over to a park near their apartment and the fellas played some basketball. It is actually the school where "Remember the Titans" was filmed. There was no photography allowed do to the high recruiting that was going on but here is one that I was able to sneak past. Maren and I had a good chuckle at the man watching them play. I think he was a little un-impressed at the lack of slam dunks there were. It was proven that white boys can't jump. They had a good time though. Ryan made sure that Jeron fetched every ball that rolled down the hill claiming to us that it was part of his strategy. It worked because unfortunately my hubby lost 3 out of 5 games:( I couldn't let the Snow's walk away with a loss so Maren and I played to who ever could shoot first and make it. I won! Me the shrimp of the family won. Ha!

After that we headed back to the apartment and got ready for the day. We headed to lunch at Potbelly's. Jeron ate here every day. Thank you Ryan for being okay with it. I really do love Potbelly's though.

After Potbelly's we headed to Annapolis Maryland to check it out. What a beautiful place. It is the home of the first Untied States Capital and Navy college. It is such a fun old town. I loved the scenery there. I could have stayed all day. It really was so pretty.
I wish I could take credit for this shot but Ryan took it.
I think it looks like a painting. I love it.

The Capital building, pretty houses, and the Governors Mansion.

Oh, how I wish we lived closer to these three. We had such a great time with them.

After we walked around the city for a bit we headed to the dock and took a boat ride on the Annapolis Harbor. I could not believe how pretty it was. This would not be a bad spot to get a vacation home. I will put that on my list of things to do.

Lucy loving the water.

Just chillaxing.

Cutest captain ever!

Daddy and baby, so sweet.

Some of the sites from the water.

This is JFK's boat.
Maren knew that, in case you were wondering. 
This is the David Taylor building. Dad we didn't know you had great property in MD

Two awesome men Maren and I hooked up with.

We had to get a pic outside of Brown Eyed Girl
To bad our photographers were busy. Holy close batman!
Shots of the town.

Maren took this pic. I love it.

When we were headed back to the car Ryan was a little antsy to get going. He was worried about the meter and getting a ticket. Sure enough when we rounded the corner there was the Meter Maid. YIKES! Thank goodness she started at the top of the street and worked her way down. She was cute though and told us not to hurry. She sure did follow us though, and sure enough our meter was out. Thank goodness we made it.
We stopped in at
We, The Pizza and
The Good Stuff Eatery on our way home. It was yummy. I tried Maren's pizza and it was HEAVEN. I should have eaten there. Only my burger was pretty good as well. After we headed back to Maren and Ryan's to watch BYU get stomped on my Air Force. Mar and I both knew that they lost because dad called to rub it in to the guys and we wouldn't let him talk to them. Ryan was very willing to record the game if we promised not to find out the score. We did great until Dad told us. Then we still did good, but felt bad every time they thought BYU had it. Also it was hard knowing that our Utes had won and not gloating. I think we should get an award for that. Thanks again Maren, Ryan, and Little Lulu for another fantastic day.
Looks like you took my dream vacation! and how great to have a sister to stay with and show you around! PERFECT!
Love the picture of Lucy!! I so want to go know looking at all your fabulous pictures!
Looks like tons of fun, it brought back so many memories, so thanks for posting all the pics. Those were our old stomping grounds, we used to go to Annapolis all the time-loved it!
Love the sister pic...you two are gorgeous!
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