Potty training is a joke. I hate it. It could possibly be the only reason I would never want another baby. I struggle with it even when my kids are easy. So you can guess that I am really struggling with my child that just is not getting it. The thing that bugs me is she is stinkin' smart. So why is she not getting it? I have tried multiple things.
The reward/treat every time she goes on the potty.
The reward/treat for a full day of making it.
The praise
Special clothes
Explaining to her how gross it is.
Taking away special clothes
Taking the binki away (the other issue, I know)
Time out
Cold bath
sitting in it
Today I made her clean it herself. I thought this had maybe done the trick until she peed her pants about 20 minutes after telling me she only wants to pee on the potty.
One member of the family has even thought of rubbing her face in it.
Her she is cleaning it in tears.

Today we reached a total of SEVEN accidents. I HATE pee. I hate PEE. I HATE PEE! I don't know what to do. If anyone has a brilliant plan please let me know. She won't wear a diaper, she won't wear clothes half of the time. Also if my house smells like pee as a good friend you have an obligation to tell me. I never want to be a pee smelled house.
I am SO sorry!! I think potty training is most definately a 4 letter word!! My oldest was SO hard and I literally did EVERYTHING. Unfortunately the worst advice actually was the best....wait until he is ready! Well the Summer before he went to Kindergarten was when he was ready....AHHHHHH!! Luckily the next two did it over night at 2 1/2 years old but again I waited until it was their idea. That totally sucks that she wants to be diaper free but won't pee (hey that rhymes)! All I can say is I will be thinking of you and GOOD LUCK!!
I would like to first just say..."at least it's not poop seven times a day..." know that won't help at all, but I feel your pain. Have you tried cloth diapers? The new ones have velcro and cute flower designs on them. they at least would feel like underwear, but hold in the pee. Thats what I used for EMma, it was great. Just keep telling yourself...Have you ever known a kindergartner that wore diapers? Eventually she will get it! Keep your chin up.
GREAT! I hope she doesn't pee that many times for me.
That face makes me want to cry for her!
Only good thing about only having one kid....only one round of potty training. ;)
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