I should start this post out by saying Happy anniversary to my hubby. 12 years babe. It has been an awesome ride. I am glad I am sharing it with you. Love You!
Maren and Ryan were nice enough to get us tickets to the White House for a tour. We had to be there at 7:30 am. We got to see DC before all the hustle and bustle of the day. It was fun to watch everyone come to work and see the city come to life. The tour of the White House does not allow pictures so these are from my phone. I have to mention what an AWESOME tour guide Maren is. She took us everywhere without ever acting put out. This meant a lot of planning on her part for Lucy. She really made our trip wonderful.
Thanks sis!
Since we were not allowed camera's I was sneaky and took pic of this statue before we went in the White House. Maren and Jeron were dying. They thought they were going to take my phone and arrest me for treason. (babies)

Before the tour started there was a lady in line in front of us that I wish we could have gotten pictures with. She had the biggest lips (collagen injections) I have ever seen. She looked ridiculous and would have been on our list of interesting people to watch in DC. But due to the no camera rule and wussy pants I didn't take a pic.
Here is the White House
JJ's future home

Next stop was the United States Capital. This is one of my most favorite buildings in DC. I think it is so pretty and I love to just look at it. Last time I came here we went on an amazing tour with Sen. Hatch's office, so I was a little bummed that Jeron didn't get to see all that I saw. But now they have a cool visitors center and a movie and tour guides. It was good still.

The old senate chambers, George Washington, Ronald Reagan,
and Lulu and Mar.

George Washington's picture, Brigham Young, a hot guy, the Old Supreme Court.

The day was absolutely beautiful. It was fun to take the Metro to get around. You feel like you are in the bat cave when you go down in it. It is amazing to me how clean it is. Next stop was Washington DC Monument. We went up inside and Jeron was able to get a view of the city.

That is the view of the Lincoln Monument at Washington Monument.

After the Washington Monument Jeron had his first
Potbelly's experience. He is a changed man forever. He ate at Potbelly's every other lunch but one the rest of the trip. Needless you say he
LOVED it. After his life changing experience at Potbelly's we headed to the White House to get pictures and of course see the crazy lady.

This was one of my favorite moments. Jeron does not do well with gross things and well she is gross. I had him get a picture with her and she wanted him to hold her sign. She kept putting the sign in front of her face so that I couldn't take a pic until he held the sign. Since he refused to touch anything that belonged to her I had to be patient and wait for her to move the sign enough. It took a LONG minute for this to happen. Jeron was dying at the smell. I just had to laugh.
Notice the look on his face. That of get me the he!! our of here.
but still trying to be polite. Hahahaha

Us outside of the White House,
The women in this picture are the real reason we took the pic in the first place.
Look at their hair.
There must have been a witch convention somewhere near by.
Sniper on the White House lawn because that was Jeron's fav part.
The treasury building.

Just some cuteness

I lub her

Next stop Thomas Jefferson Memorial.
Wow that is close.
Jeron pondering on Jefferson's words.

This memorial is beautiful. I love all the columns. I love the location. I love all of Jefferson's quotes in the memorial.

The man himself

After our tour of all the monuments we headed to get Ryan from work. Then we went and ate Thia food for the first time. It was actually pretty good. I could do without the duck. Maren lost her phone at dinner. I am so glad that our hubby's headed back to check it out. Turns out the phone was on the floor. We got lucky with that one. Usually if you leave an iphone that is the last time you see it. I guess it was a good thing it was on silent. Thank you White House.
I'm so jealous you got to do all of that fun stuff. It looks so fun!!
What an amazing trip. It is making me want to go to DC and beg Maren to be my tour guide.
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