Today she got her last dose of shots. Her kindergarten ones to be exact. Plus the H1N1. She ended up leaving the doctor with 5 shots.
I tell my kids what is going to happen
so they don't think I am leading them in unaware.
She doesn't seem to mind.
so they don't think I am leading them in unaware.
She doesn't seem to mind.
Elsie was also one of my kids that I had a hard time with. When I took her to her first appointment my nerves were on end. I told the doctor that I didn't feel good about the shots. I explained my fears. He then explained to me the risks and told me he understood where I was coming from. He is a really great pediatrician. He listens to me as the "Mom" and understands that I have to do what I think is best for my kids. We held off on Boo until now. I finally feel ready to get the shots. I think the doc found it funny that I went ahead with the m.m.r. but didn't get chicken pox. I think I need to read more about that one before I get it.
She went last. She wasn't to sure about this business.
When she was done she was sure she hated it.
I don't think she stopped crying for 10min. after.
She is just to cute and this pic breaks my heart.
Poor babies indeed!! Ice cream cures everything though!!
I love your letter project too! Way to go!!
Megan, you are teaching your kids the most important thing of cream fixes everything.
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