We are having some family over tomorrow night so I thought it would be a good idea to really clean the kitchen. You know, blinds, windows, baseboards, smudges on doors and wall. The stuff I always try to just ignore. Well I was dusting and smelled Clorox. I knew I had just used it on the counter. I immediately turned my attention to the counter where Ellie was eating her third breakfast for the morning. Sure enough there she was Clorox sprayer in hand. Only problem is she was pointing it at the fish bowl.
I run over and can see soap bubbles on the top of the water. I hurried, grab a bowl, put new water in it, then I get the fish out and plop them in the water. The biggest one didn't look so good. He was swimming on his side. I kept trying to get him to move. He would and then when I would stop bugging him he would float to the top. The other two looked okay. I moved them one last time just in case the water they had on them was cloroxy.
When we left for the doctor they were all alive, but not doing so hot.
When we got home I am sad to report that not one but all three of our fish were dead. They kicked the bucket!
Here lays to rest Speedo, Polka-dot, and Bushbouy.

Elsie was really sad. She kept saying "bishy, ohhhh, bishy, ohhhh."
Ellie didn't really care all that much. She just said "dead, oh!"
JJ didn't care he has been wanting to fry them since we got them. He was interested to know which died first.
Emma was heartbroken.
When we flushed them away to sewer heaven Elsie said"Bye Bishy, bye bishy...oh bishy." Really she is too cute.
Me on the other hand, as upset as I should be at Ellie, in my little cold heart I am happy as a clam. I HATE dealing with the fish. They are the biggest pain in the butt animal that you can have. Cleaning the fishbowl can make me physically ill. So good bye to our fish. My you rest in peace.
PS. If you have been wondering why we went to the doctor, Ellie has croup. That is why she has been so tired. Elsie has a horrible diaper rash that has already cost me $75 in doctor visits. Now she is on to the dermatologist for another $50. YIkes!! That doesn't even include the medication.
PSS: While doing this post Ellie just did a doody in her pants and got it everywhere. Seriously what is up with this girl? She hasn't had an accident in over a month and now she has had at least 2-3 a day for the last week. UGH!
Wow, you are good. A trip to the dr. and you have already posted about your fish!! I am impressed! Poor fish! But, I totally agree they are a pain which is why I have turned our fish/frog duties over to Graydon. He already takes care of the cat so why not the fish and frogs too?
Poor Ellie. I remember having the croup as a kid and it is awful. Anneka had it a couple years ago and I had to take her to the ER in the middle of the night. Hope she feels better soon. Good luck with Elsie. Hope they can figure out what is causing the rash and get rid of it!! Good talking to you today. I miss you!
Oh, poor little fishies!! I agree with you about having a love/hate relationship with fish! Our problem is if they die my kids make us replace them! Cameron and Tanner used to share a room and share a fish tank, now Cameron has his own room and the fish went with him. Guess what Tanner is asking for Christmas-his very own fishtank!! I really don't think I can handle two but it beats a dog anyday!! I hope little Ellie gets feeling better, sick kids are the worst-good luck!!
Going to the doctor during cold and flu season is no fun. I hope Ellie and Elsie get better soon.
P.S. I felt the EXACT same way when our fish died. Woohoo! No more stinky fish bowl!
This is Caleb. I am sorry that your fish are dead. I miss playing with you. It's funny that Ellie fell asleep on the floor,but not so funny that she peed on your head.
I hate fish as pets. I had one once and I might have done a happy dance when it finally kicked the bucket after 3 years.
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