(What was going on in my head)
Huh? That is weird! I thought I turned the lights out. I know I turned the lights out. Weird, there is no noise. Oh the house is cold. Hurry, hurry, turn out the light and get back in your warm nice bed...
(boring in that head of mine)
I head into the kitchen to turn off the light and that is when I saw her.
(Still in my head, because there was no one to talk too.)
What the #@!! is she doing? Did she choke on an ice cube? Oh my goodness is she alive?
...checking, checking, checking! Yes she is just sleeping. Grab your camera silly!
Okay that will work, good pic for the blog.
Now, why would Ellie fall back to sleep on the kitchen floor? Oh, wait she is looking at me...looking, looking, and back to sleep. Weird she has never been this tried before. I really don't need this terror in the middle of the night. Heart calm down she is okay.
(your out of my head now)
I picked up my little angel and put her back in bed.
Then I laid awake for another hour listening for her. Sure enough she got up and headed to my bed and fell back to sleep just as quick as before.
I moved her back to her own bed and chalked this up to yet another weird Ellie moment.
She slept in until 8:50am which is so not Ellie. She normal is up at 7:30am. Then when she got on my lap this morning she fell back to sleep. I kept her home from school today and she really has just watched TV all day. She is worn out because of something. She must be in a funk. She is a little congested but no fever. I wonder what made the little lady so darn tired that she feel asleep in the middle of getting a drink?
I think that would really freak me out. Very strange. Hopefully everything is okay!
Kids can sleep anywhere.
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