Sunday, November 29, 2009

Giving Thanks

It is so often that I post about things that are frustrating to me. I want to continue on the tradition of posting about things I am grateful for. Some are very important and some not so important but still I am glad that I have all of this in my life.

I am truly grateful of the knowledge that I am a daughter of God and the peace that gives me in my life. I want so much for my children to know that they are children of the most high God. I have been able to really feel of the Saviors love for me this year. It has been a year of uncertainty for us and at times I felt hopeless, and wondered how things would turn out right. I would always feel that when I knelt to pray that I was being listened to. I could feel that even though I am truly so imperfect that He loves me without condition. My relationship with Him has grown and I feel so blessed that I have been able to open my heart to feel of His love. He understands me. To be truly understood is something that I crave at times and I know He loves me and understands why I do what I do. It is such a safe(for lack of a better word)feeling.

I couldn't imagine my life without these five beautiful people in my life. I adore and love each and every bit of them. Okay there are a few things I could do without but I will take it if I get to spend forever with them.

Jeron is my best friend, my everything! He totally gets me in a way that no one else does. I can be goofy, cranky, ugly, mean, pms'y, and he still loves me. Yes we have our moments, but it is after our moments that I know how truly blessed I am to be married to this wonderful man. He works his tail end off for me and our family. He hardly does anything for himself. He gives all he has to make us happy. I truly am grateful for him.

Each of my children bring such a different personality to our home. I don't think I tell them enough just how much I love them and how grateful I am that they are in our home. I feel that they complete me. They make me who I have always wanted to be.

My parents, Jeron's parents, my siblings their spouses, and my in-laws make my world a little brighter. I am so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. I especially don't know what I would do without my mom and my sister. They get me through a lot of things. They help me when I just need to work something out in my head. I love the relationship that I have with both of them. They are my best girl friends.
Oh yes a thank you post would not be right without mentioning that I love love love lotion. I am so grateful for this product. I can only use Jergens for some strange reason. It just make me a little bit happier when I rub it on my hands and feet. Ahhhh! I hate when I leave the home without it. It is a must whenever water is near.
I am grateful for my cabin. It is a little piece of heaven that I get to enjoy. I go up there and just feel alive. I think it is the only place that I can run and not get winded. I just love the time that we spend with our family. There is no distractions at all, just me and my fam. Love it!!
I am grateful for the beauty that surrounds me. We live in such a beautiful state. We are blessed to have so many beautiful places to go. When I look at the beauty around me I can't help but feel on Heavenly Fathers love for each of us.
I am thankful that at the end of my grocery shopping times, with my kids screaming, running off, crying, just plain insanity that there is a little taste of heaven waiting at the register. Jeron laughs at me when he gets in the car and sees the wrappers.
I am extremely grateful that we have a house that we can raise our family in. We live in a wonderful neighborhood and my kids go to great schools. I couldn't ask for more.
I am and probably will always be grateful for those moments when I get to sleep. I love sleep. I tell Jeron all the time that I just want to sleep in one day. Just spend the day in bed and catch up on the last 9 years of missing sleep.
I am grateful that we got to go on our FIRST real family vacation. We headed to New Port Beach for a wonderful 7 days. We got to take the kids to see the ocean for the first time. We got to have a lot of family time. We got to hang out with one of my bestest friends in the world. I am truly grateful for all of that.
I am grateful that my hubby is going back to school and now can become a Utah alum. It will be funny to see him hang a Ute sign on his wall. I can't wait.
I am so grateful that we got to take the kids to the most magical plave on earth. We finally took our kids to Disneyland. It was a lot of fun. I got to learn a whole new appreciation for what my parents would do for me when I was a kid. It was really fun though to see our kids eyes light up at all that is Disney.
This year the Wasatch front became one of my favorite places. We went hikining with the kids this year and really enjoyed it. We found out that our kids are awesome hikers. I am grateful for the majesty and beauty that is in my backyard.
I am grateful to live in this great nation. I love the United States. I feel so much pride when I see the flag and think of what it stands for. To me it speaks of courage, strength, liberty, justice and freedom. I know that we are truly blessed to live where I can be who I want and raise my children to grow to be whatever they want to be.
As much as I don't understand the computer I am grateful for it. It has made communication so much easier for me. I am able to work from home because of it. I can access anything I want to learn from the internet. I can waste tons of time reading about people I love but don't get to see often.
I have a love/hate relationship for Diet Coke. I was off of it for nine months but as the sign says I am truly addicted. I am grateful for the drink though on days when I just need something to pick me up. Yes, I know I am an addict.
I am grateful for my iphone!!! Oh boy, I got one this year and never knew what I was missing. Sad thing is that now that I have one I could never go back. This thing rocks!! Plus I can talk to my sister for hours on end and it doesn't cost a dime.
I am so grateful for all of my friends. I have friends from when I was a little girl to friends of recent years. I cherish all of the relationships that I have. Some live far away and some near by. I am grateful for all that I have learned from these ladies. Each one holds a special place in my heart.
I am so grateful for my new favorite thing. I love love love my camera. I have taken up this hobbie and though I wish I had more time to play with it, the moments I do get to spend with it are awesome. I love to see what I can capture. It is so bad that Elsie is only one and can pose with the best super model out there.
I am grateful for steady hands of a very wonderful neuro surgeon. My mom had brain surgery this year and I am so grateful that the man that did her surgery knew what he was doing and that she is alive and well and recovering everyday. I thought McDreamy would be the perfect picture of a neuro surgreon but no he did not perform the surgery. Darn!!
I am grateful for my trusty minivan. It is getting so old but it just keeps on running. I love my van. I just hope the little guy can keep on plugging along.

Last but certainly not least I am so grateful for my little guilty pleasure. I love my junior mints. Jeron will bring me a box when I have had a bad day and it just seems to make everything seem just a little better.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Game Day

I really laid in bed last night and couldn't sleep because I was so excited for the game. We got up early had a fabulous breakfast made by Dad. Then we put up our Christmas and got ready for the big game. It takes a lot of preparation to get ready. I have to pick out all the clothes, red of course, paint faces, do matching bows in the girls hair, hang my banner, and smack talk a little to Jeron.
My handsome Ute

My darling Ute!

My kissable Ute!

My pretty Ute!

My baby Ute!
Jeron said I should be fair and at least paint a Y on the other check of each kids. My reply to that was "...fair? You can paint a Y on the other check if you want. I won't stop ya." Hahaha I know that he would never do that so I had nothing to worry about.

We went up to my parents house to watch the game. I was freaking out the whole game. I was dying once we hit over time. When we made a field goal I knew it was over. I knew my Utes were going to lose. My heart broke when it happened. It is always hard to lose a close game. There is always hope that you just might win. Oh well maybe next year.

I told Jeron I wanted a pic of him holding his finger up for #1. He said he would only do this pic. So yes, there I am owning my teams standing in the MWC.

Tough loss! We will get them next year:) Worst part, due to my faith in my Utes I will be flying a byU flag next year for each game. Yep, Grandpa Gene won the bet. He has told me he will help me hang it for the first game. I think he is just looking forward to seeing me cringe.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I really love Thanksgiving. It is a time to be with family and just enjoy. It is starting to be a holiday that I look most forward to. I really like that it is about giving thanks and being with family. The yummy food part isn't so bad either. I always love when it is with my side of the family. The food is fantastic and just the way I like it, and the company is all so much fun. This year it was my Aunt Marilee and Uncle Todd, the Richards, and my little bit of family that is left in Utah (minus David and his crew). Of course my parents hosted the dinner.

It is fun for me cause my mom lets me help out with the decor and the food. Okay lets me is being a little untrue. I just do what I want. She is nice enough to let me do what I want. This year I was excited because one of my friends put some cute crafts for kids on her blog. So yes I stole the idea and used it. I think it turned out really cute and the kids loved it. My aunt Marilee also put cute little turkey name tags on the table.

The cute kids table

Table setting for the kids
My Mom always makes her house look so nice. Her table looked wonderful and pretty.
The adult table
I really enjoy being apart of the cooking. This year I was in charge of the rolls and the beans. I am starting to get pretty use to making rolls for a large group. The more I make the easier and better they are getting. The beans are sooo yummy and so not good for you.
The rolls that I make
Thanksgiving for Jeron means two things Football and Food. Jeron starts his day off bright and early with a Turkey Bowl with his side of the family. His cousins and brother all get together and play TACKLE football. I am hoping that one day he figures out that tackle is not okay. Once he gets home from that he enjoys watching football and eating. Here is Brent and Jeron doing what they do best watching the game.
The kids are enjoying the coloring pages and headdresses that JJ and Emma made.
I lost the pattern for the Pilgrim hats that I normally make so we made do with kids as Indians and adults as boring Pilgrims.

Ahh, I am so thankful for these two:)
I love this pic of the big kids. My favorite part is Elsie trying to get in the pic.
Calee and me and some weird looking guy in the back.
All the kids enjoying their places.

Elsie asking me to take her pic.
Ellie is soo happy to play with her Mama

We had a wonderful day. I was stuffed to the max and enjoyed my family. Thanks Mom and Dad for another wonderful Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Monson Bowling

We had a fun weekend. Grandma Jan took the older kids over night. That meant Jeron and I could get some much needed Christmas shopping in. Funny thing is we mainly got stuff for the two that were with us. We didn't get JJ a thing. Really he is getting hard.

On Saturday we headed down to Jan and Gene's and watched football and ate. It was a lot of fun. Gene and I bet each other on the big game coming up. He will fly a Utah flag if the Utes win. I have to fly a byu flag if the "why" wins. I am getting pretty excited to go pick out a flag for him.

After the games we headed up to the U for some bowling fun with the Monson family. I love this side of my family. It is always fun to get together and catch up with everyone.

Maddie, Emma, Brookelynn, and JJ

The Mama's and the Papa's

When you get to my age you might as well pull a face. Even if I'm not it looks like I am.

All my cute Utah fans!

She was so excited.
She would say Woo Woo and jump up and down after each bowl.
Until she got bored.

So white trash. I love it though.
BOwling and picking.
Maybe she is learning finger placement for the ball.
(and yes I do do her hair but the girl takes it out about 5 minutes after. UGH!)

It would take Ellie's ball about 20 minutes to roll down the lane.
Waiting, waiting, waiting.

Just some of the Fellas

Just some of the ladies
Thanks to Aunt Marilee for arranging this all. It was so much fun. I haven't bowled in forever. Jeron of course beat everyone in our Snow pack. He came in second in the guys tournament. That is my big strong stud for ya.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Boxy and Ellie

At school Ellie gets to bring home boxy the turtle. This is a big treat for Ellie. She loves to take care of him. Here I caught her getting boxy ready for a nap. It was really cute. Sometimes when she asks to eat I will say no. She has decided that if boxy is hungry maybe I will give him food. Sure enough if Boxy asks me for food chances are I will give in a little.

(On a side note: Papa I think she would like a cradle.)