We were so excited to have Maren and Ryan come to visit. They came for Michael's graduation. Maren came out for two weeks and Ryan came for a weekend. It was so nice to have a lot of time with Maren. We picked her up from the airport on May 26th and her first pit stop was the doctors office for Ellie. Then we went to Spanky's and had lunch. After that we headed over to Quilters Haven to get some material for a tie quilt for Maren. We worked hard on the quilt and got it done.
We ate out way too much. We sat around way too much. Maren went to way too many doctor appointments. (She was enlightened on how Dr. Sharp is to blame for things:) Maren went to way too many games for her nieces, and nephew. We played the Wii way too much. Dad and Mom spent WAY TOO MUCH money on all of us. We had way too much family time, NOT! We took way too many family pictures. We had way too much fun. We enjoyed each other's company way too much...oh wait there is never too much enjoyment. With us doing way too much of everything how come it felt way too short.
We look way too hot! No make up day.

Way too big of a quilt, but soo cute.

Way too sweet. One of the many games

Way too silly. Ryan is so happy to see Michael

Way too sappy. Maren still all dreamy eyed looking at Ryan

Elsie is way too adorable. Papa with his little love

Way too dark of a pic but I love my husbands smile in it.

Way too cool. Papa JJ and Michael

Way too sweet of Smashlee. Ellie loves to play with OooEeeOoo. Smashlee are always so good to play with her. Emma loves to join in. (don't you wish you could have a cool Hollywood name.)

Way too awesome! Oldest and Youngest oh and JJ and David

Miss Happy Pants

That converstation Must be way too interesting

Way too wierd that Michael is no longer a student.
Time to play with the big boys.

We are way too hot!

Way too cute. Papa with his girls

Mama, Papa, JJ, Maren and Ryan

Way too egotistcial. I just like my hair in this so I put it on.

We take this shot way too much.
I think we take this pic every year. We are perfect together.
We both like the opposite camera angle.

Way too sweet

The whole fam. We are way too cute.

We are always sad to see them go. Ellie expressed our emotions perfectly. The morning they left Mama and Papa were coming over to our house. I told Ellie they were coming. The first thing she said was "Oooo Eeee Oooo?" in a very excited voice. I told her that Oooo Eeee Oooo went back to Washington DC and she started to cry.We love to have them here and when they leave it is way too soon. Thanks for the memories! Now I need to catch up on laundry and housework. Way too much neglect.
Way too much fun looking at all your cute family pics! Miss you guys!
it looks like you guys had so much fun! i miss you guys. i LoVe that family picture of you guys. the colors are awesome and you all look incredible.
michael was graduating from jr. high, right?!?!?!?!?! :)
I love your family picture!
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