I will have to say hiking is fast becoming one of our families favorite things to do together. Last night we went on the Adam's Canyon Hike. I have lived by this hike since I was 16 years old and this is the first time I have made it to the waterfall. The first time I went was actually with Jeron's brother Jeff. He set me up with one of his mission companions. I am embarrassed to say that I couldn't make it up due to the fact that I had not eaten a thing that day. That will always go down as one of my most embarrassing moments. The second time I went on this hike was with Jeron. We took the wrong trail and found a waterfall in a different place. This hike is fairly easy. The next time I went up Jeron took me on that same hike and proposed to me. The last time we went up we took JJ to "our waterfall".
We thought it would be fun to go show the kids where we got engaged. We knew the hike was fairly easy so we didn't bother with jackets at flashlights. We arrived at the base of the hike at 6:00pm. This was plenty of time to take "our" hike. We let JJ be the scout. He takes off and then runs back to tell us what he sees. (great for burning of 9yr old energy)
JJ ran past the place where you turn off to go to "our" waterfall. When we finally caught up with him we were well on the way of the real hike. We decided that we would go to the "real" waterfall.
Can I just tell you how much better hiking is with Papa Bear!
Daddy and his little bug.

Mommy and Miss Happy Pants

Fast beoming BFF's but only in hikers land

This pic sums up how she feels about hiking.

I was really glad that we decided to go to the real waterfall. The trail is beautiful. I wanted to take a million pictures and wished I had my good camera the whole time.

This is the actual spot I made it to on my embarrassing "can't make it to the top" time.

Crossing the bridge

See they love each other

We made it to the top at about 9:10pm. We did not think it would take that long to get to the top. We knew we had to book it to get down the canyon before day light was gone. So we took a pic, dropped the camera which is now ruined and head back down.

Jeron and I really started to get nervous because we did not have the flashlight and it was getting dark fast. We were the LAST ones to the top so we knew there would be no one behind us if we came into a problem, which is easy to have happen with four kids. We actually did pass a large group on our way down that were at a camp fire. I happened to notice that they had flashlights. I told the kids that they needed to stay ahead of these people so that if we needed light they would be coming. So we took off. We moved quickly down the trail and we stayed ahead of them until we came out of the thick trees. By this time it was full on night and you could see the city lights and the last bit of the sun set. IT was BEAUTIFUL We no longer needed to worry and just enjoyed the end of our hike.
This is what the pictures look like once you drop your camera on rocks.
I still like the pic though.
In case you can't see that is Jeron and I kissing.

JJ is minus a shirt because Elsie started to get really cold. I said that i was about to take off my shirt and JJ immediately took his off and gave his to Elsie.
Seriously could that sunset be any prettier?

Cute of Daddy with his little ladies.

We did get one injury on the hike. I had been hiking behind Emma almost the whole way. We came to this tree that had fallen in the path. She went around it while I went over it. This put me ahead of her. Next thing I know I hear a thud and there is Emma sliding down a short bank. I get to her and she is crying. She was scraped up pretty bad. She got right up though and hiked the rest of the way up and all the way back down. What a trooper!

Both pics are of her legs

When we arrived at the bottom of the hike Ellie threw down the water bottle she was holding and yelled "YEAH". I thought it was the cutest thing. Then that group that had the flashlight was still at the bottom of the trail. She had to go and individual say goodbye to each of them. It really was adorable. When we got to the car it was 10:15pm. When we got home we ate dinner. The kids were playing and getting along so nicely. JJ turned to me and said "Mom, if we keep hiking I think Emma and I could be the best of friends. It really makes me care about her." That was all Jeron and I needed. We will continue hiking just for that reason if nothing else.
Side note: If we had known we were not going to "our" waterfall we would have taken Jackets and a flashlight. We really are good parents. Please don't think that we are irresponsible just because the last two hikes we have been on seemed to have a little parent neglect and lack of good sense.
Wow, seriously wow. You are so lucky to have those opportunities.
I love your side note, you totally make me laugh!! Don't you love that you remember all the whole bag of crap when you don't need it but the one time you need it you don't have it!! I love Adam's Canyon, never attempted it with kids but like I said on your last hiking post, maybe, just maybe you have inspired me! Have a Great 4th Weekend!!
I just thought neglect was an important part of hiking-I mean how often do you hear hikers say, "We were totally prepared for that situation."
I'm glad you guys are hiking - I wish I still had mountains to go hiking in. Utah is the best. I love that Elsie is sticking her tongue out. That little stinker!
Megan, you look SO beautiful in that picture of you and your Boo! Love it!
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