Emma came in to me after school and said "Mom, I have a loose tooth." I told her to let me look at it. I gave it one good yank and she no longer has a loose tooth. She had mentioned that she wanted a dollar this time. I think she thinks the gold dollars that the tooth fairy brings are not the same as a paper dollar. We have one smart tooth fairy. She brought Emma a gold coin and a paper dollar. Emma was elated. The most important part though is of course the color of the fairy. Drum roll....

Emma is certain that means her fairy was Tinker Bell herself. I think she might be right.
Max just saw this and said..."do you know (pointing to your Emma) she loves Caleb." I wonder where he got that? Actually those pictures we have of them kissing when they are like one is probably where he got it!...Truth is, Caleb thinks she's hot!!!!
You know she is losing teeth because she just wants money? She is cute.
Yeah Emma! How many teeth lost now? I think you have Anneka and Corbin beat hands down!!
I am totally up for going to see My Sister's Keeper....if we can figure out a time that will work for both of us. When will life slow down?
yay emma!!! congrats!!
Seriously!!! Swimming tooth fairies? Stop setting the bar so high
I am still waiting for another tooth so we can try this.
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