Last night again I asked if I could wiggle Emma's tooth. This time I kind of wedged my fingernail under it and gave it a good yank. This did the trick to really get it ready. After about a half hour she decided she wanted it OUT! So I told her to be brave and let me just give it a go. I personally don't like the sound of the tooth cracking and I always close my eyes. Emma told me to close my eyes, be brave, and just do it. So I did. The tooth went flying off to my right. It landed about two feet away. We frantically searched and found it right by JJ's knee. This tooth was a bleeder. We did cold water swooshes and applied pressure and after about 45min. it finally stopped bleeding. The whole time JJ was telling me to "Call Papa. He told you not to pull her teeth. You need to call Papa." Can I just tell you how much that was getting on my nerves. Now looking at it I find it sweet that he was worried about Emma. Again Emma put her tooth in a jar of water. Her tooth fairy was...

GREEN! Who knew...the tooth fairy sometimes is different. All I can say is this little girl is getting rich. I many need to borrow a loan. She has three more loose teeth. What are we to do? How will she eat?
Emma, where are all you teeth going? Maybe I should lose some teeth and then I couldn't eat. Come to think of it, I have!
love the idea of seeing what color the tooth fairy is, I may have to try this. I love it when kids are missing their two front teeth! So cute.
Aahhh Megan. Sick, I could never put my fingernail under the tooth & yank. I can barely yank it out as it is. I make Andrew do it or by that time Madi has already pulled it herself. Madi has her two front ones gone and today she said the one right next to those is loose, so I asked the same question of how is she going to eat. I hear ya on getting a loan. :)
I was also going to mention that one way we use to get a loose tooth out is by grabbing it with some toilet paper. This way your fingers don't slip and you get a firm hold on it, plus there seems to not be as much blood.
It's about time she lost her teeth! I have noticed that one front one for a while and thought that it needed to come out. I'd be scared to take them out with her though. Blood and Emma don't mix in my book.
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