I told them on Saturday we were going to pick up a package. They were going nuts over what it might be. I heard DS games, Toys, doll, all sorts of things. This had me a little worried because it wasn't going to be a prize they could keep. I was worried I might disappoint them. When we got to 90th south JJ said "Oh, I know we are going to get our cousins. They live over here." When I got off on 106th Emma said "No, we are going to get Brookie and Maddie. I know this is the way to there house." Well smart kids that I have they had figured it out. We picked them up had lunch at Calee's and then headed home.

We made pizza, played, went to church, played, ate lots of food, played, made forts, ate crepes, played, went on a walking trail, played and just had a great time. Thanks for coming over and making our long weekend a blast. My kids were certainly not disappointed that there wasn't a prize. They were thrilled to have Boo and Maddie over.
That was so nice that you did that. And I love the bangs!
Cousin fun is THE best! I wish all of ours lived closer cause Molly could totally use some cousin time. Sounds like my favorite kind of weekend!
Crepes sound really good. Will you make me some?
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