I was so excited for this game. I don't think that I took a breath until the last 30 seconds in the 4th quarter. We were ahead the whole time, but I never feel safe unless we are like forty points ahead. What a great game though. Johnson played an outstanding game, and our defense took it to the Tide.
Utes Jr. Fan Club Kids (look at Ellie doing the "U"...so cute!)Utah sweatshirts provided by Mama and Papa. Finally my kids look the part! Thanks a bunch for those fun Christmas presents.

Isn't she the cutest Ute fan. #1 Baby

I shouldn't say anything but Jeron might be switching sides. I mean really who can blame him. Okay he will always love his cougars but I think he is starting to really warm up to the Utes. I will have to say I do like the rivalry a little. We all need a little spice right. There really is nothing cuter then when a Dad and his son wear a UTAH shirt together on game day though. I can dream right?!?
Now that is what a perfect season looks like:)
So fun! You cute Emma's bangs. She looks cute. The game was good. Tell Jeron he can be fans of both. :) It is possible.
BTW - you are so skinny!
Ryan was really excited for the game and Sam said, I thought we didn't like the Utes. Ryan's response was that we like everything Utah! We like the Utes too, so it is possible to be fans of both! and I agree with Shannon...you do look really skinny! YOu go you beautiful woman!
I really liked your 13-0, the real quest for perfection comment on the phone. AWESOME!!!!!
They played awesome and deserved to win! The number on my blog is 45...
You gotta hand it to the Utes. They totally deserved to win. I only wish we could have watched (darn wedding! jk) I just hope the cougars were watching. Maybe they could learn how to show up in a big game! :)
That Ellie is pretty stinking cute even in that shirt!!
Thanks for your "year in review" it was fun to remember everything you guys did this year-man what a year!! Your kids look so cute decked out in red and Emma looks darling with bangs-she looks just like you! Glad you had a great Christmas and good luck in 2009!!
Cute little Utah fans! Way to go Utah! I like Emma's bangs! Are they new or did I just not see them done when I was home? Also, I like your header - how'd you do it?
Happy New Year, you crazy Ute Fans! :) And super cute new blog design!
GO UTES!!! Seriously that was the most AMAZING game I have ever been to! The energy in that stadium was out of control....and tell Jeron it is okay to switch over. Remember my dad PLAYED at BYU and he is a 100% UTE!!! GO UTES....especially #32!!!!!!!!
Even us Texans were cheering for the Utes. My Dad lost his voice!
Love all that red!
That was the best game ever...I love that the Utes did it the year the cougs said they were on a quest...Hahahahahahahaha!!!!
You have the cutest Ute fans ever!!!
Very cute little Ute fans! Happy New Year to you guys!
Megan-It was so fun to see your blog. It's been a long time since i've checked in. I decided to delete my blog (I got tired of never updating it!) But I still like to check up on what you are doing. I loved your year in review and am very impressed that you remembered what happened each month.
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