Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The best gift for all ages!
Back on December 2, 2008 we didn't know at the time but we received the best gift ever. My cousin came and brought us a party gift. I told her she shouldn't have and let it float to the ceiling. All the kids loved it when they came in. It was a cute Mylar balloon of Santa. He is about three feet tall. Perfect for a house of four year olds. Well that is where I was wrong. He has been fun for Ellie, Emma, JJ, Jeron, and even Me. Ellie calls him HO HO. I call him Mr. HoHO. I can't believe the hours of abuse this poor balloon has suffered but really there is nothing funner then punching him and watching him soar.
Ellie is by far his favorite fan. She hugs him, lays on him, wrestles him, and just loves him. Every time she sees him she says HO HO.

Emma loves to send him soaring, see him go down the stairs, and sometimes an occasional punch or two.
JJ loves to beat the crap out of him. I am amazed he is still alive.

You might even find me hit him and say "Come on get up! Take it like a man!" Yeah we have some anger issues don't we.
Needless to say he is the best present ever, and when he dies we will be getting another one. Thanks Chelsea for the endless hours of fun.
Famiy Fun
This girl is going to be toothless..
Last night again I asked if I could wiggle Emma's tooth. This time I kind of wedged my fingernail under it and gave it a good yank. This did the trick to really get it ready. After about a half hour she decided she wanted it OUT! So I told her to be brave and let me just give it a go. I personally don't like the sound of the tooth cracking and I always close my eyes. Emma told me to close my eyes, be brave, and just do it. So I did. The tooth went flying off to my right. It landed about two feet away. We frantically searched and found it right by JJ's knee. This tooth was a bleeder. We did cold water swooshes and applied pressure and after about 45min. it finally stopped bleeding. The whole time JJ was telling me to "Call Papa. He told you not to pull her teeth. You need to call Papa." Can I just tell you how much that was getting on my nerves. Now looking at it I find it sweet that he was worried about Emma. Again Emma put her tooth in a jar of water. Her tooth fairy was...

GREEN! Who knew...the tooth fairy sometimes is different. All I can say is this little girl is getting rich. I many need to borrow a loan. She has three more loose teeth. What are we to do? How will she eat?

GREEN! Who knew...the tooth fairy sometimes is different. All I can say is this little girl is getting rich. I many need to borrow a loan. She has three more loose teeth. What are we to do? How will she eat?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Okay so this is really shallow, poor picked on me, and at times dare I say bitchy but I need to vent.
I feel there are certain people in our life's that just seem to always forget about us. People that should want us around, but aren't impressed with what we have therefore don't need us. Don't get me wrong, we are spoiled with people that love and care for us deeply. There is just some that don't really care, or if they do it sure doesn't feel that way.
So many times we find out things after the fact or little to late. I am so fed up with it. I know it is okay to get my feeling hurt but the anger I feel is not okay. I am constantly wondering what did I do wrong to make them not like me. Why am I not included in things. Why are my kids left out. Why is Jeron always the last to know. I can handle the me part, and even the Jeron part, but my kids, that always sends me over the edge. Again my kids are being left out and nobody even told us that kids were included. I just feel that if you include one kid you should include all kids. If you can't include all kids don't include your "favorite".
I know I am not giving enough details about this...for a reason though. I will ask Jeron all the time what have I done. I know for a fact these people don't get me at all. I think they think I am self righteous and that I think I am Practically Perfect in every way. This one stings a lot. I don't know why I give off that persona. I certainly don't feel that way. If you could here the things I think about myself I promise it isn't PPIEW. To tell you the truth though I am totally starting to not care at all what they think of me. Just the fact that my kids are going to get crushed by this one makes me livid.
I just wish that when you are suppose to include someone you would. I think that all to often we forget about others feeling. We don't look at the whole picture. I am still Megan. Even though I have four kids and a husband I can still be me. I hate the excuse we didn't invite you because we knew it would be hard to leave the kids. COME ON! We all can leave our kids once in a while. I guess what bugs me even more is when these people get jealous of the people that we are close to. The reason we are closer is because they include us in EVERYTHING! Please know that I am grateful everyday for the ones that care. We may not have a lot of money or can go on exotic trips but they see us, know who we are and love us simply because of who we are.
Really it just comes down to the pure fact that it hurts and it hurts bad. I am told often "WHY do you care?" I know I should really try not to but I do. I am very sensitive when people don't like me. I am even more sensitive when because of me they aren't close to my kids. I hope that I have never made anyone feel like this. It truly sucks. I can usually get over things but sometimes it stings so much I just want to wash my hands of people like this. I know that that isn't right though. So I guess I will have to turn the other cheek again. Tell me again how many times do I have to do that?
If you are reading this it probably means you are not one of the people I am talking about,because it shows you actually care.
I feel there are certain people in our life's that just seem to always forget about us. People that should want us around, but aren't impressed with what we have therefore don't need us. Don't get me wrong, we are spoiled with people that love and care for us deeply. There is just some that don't really care, or if they do it sure doesn't feel that way.
So many times we find out things after the fact or little to late. I am so fed up with it. I know it is okay to get my feeling hurt but the anger I feel is not okay. I am constantly wondering what did I do wrong to make them not like me. Why am I not included in things. Why are my kids left out. Why is Jeron always the last to know. I can handle the me part, and even the Jeron part, but my kids, that always sends me over the edge. Again my kids are being left out and nobody even told us that kids were included. I just feel that if you include one kid you should include all kids. If you can't include all kids don't include your "favorite".
I know I am not giving enough details about this...for a reason though. I will ask Jeron all the time what have I done. I know for a fact these people don't get me at all. I think they think I am self righteous and that I think I am Practically Perfect in every way. This one stings a lot. I don't know why I give off that persona. I certainly don't feel that way. If you could here the things I think about myself I promise it isn't PPIEW. To tell you the truth though I am totally starting to not care at all what they think of me. Just the fact that my kids are going to get crushed by this one makes me livid.
I just wish that when you are suppose to include someone you would. I think that all to often we forget about others feeling. We don't look at the whole picture. I am still Megan. Even though I have four kids and a husband I can still be me. I hate the excuse we didn't invite you because we knew it would be hard to leave the kids. COME ON! We all can leave our kids once in a while. I guess what bugs me even more is when these people get jealous of the people that we are close to. The reason we are closer is because they include us in EVERYTHING! Please know that I am grateful everyday for the ones that care. We may not have a lot of money or can go on exotic trips but they see us, know who we are and love us simply because of who we are.
Really it just comes down to the pure fact that it hurts and it hurts bad. I am told often "WHY do you care?" I know I should really try not to but I do. I am very sensitive when people don't like me. I am even more sensitive when because of me they aren't close to my kids. I hope that I have never made anyone feel like this. It truly sucks. I can usually get over things but sometimes it stings so much I just want to wash my hands of people like this. I know that that isn't right though. So I guess I will have to turn the other cheek again. Tell me again how many times do I have to do that?
If you are reading this it probably means you are not one of the people I am talking about,because it shows you actually care.
Extended Snow Family,
Mom's Moments
Friday, January 23, 2009
JJ and Emma both loose a tooth
Emma has the two most loose front teeth. They are totally ready to come out. About two weeks ago she was having me wiggle her tooth. I gave it a good hard push and it made that horrible popping sound. I loosened it up a lot so we were able to pull it out. This was after a good thirty minute of Jeron and I trying to get it. Jeron finally tied some dental floss to it and yanked and out it flew. One of my friends posted on her blog that their tooth fairy came and if you put the tooth in water she will have to swim to the bottom to get it. When she gets went her fairy dust comes off leaving the color of your fairy. Oh man did we have to try this one. Here is the color of Emma's tooth fairy....

RED! She was so excited it was just the color she wanted her to be. The tooth fairy also left two golden dollars.
JJ lost his without me even home. I think he has lost two without me. One at school and he actually lost the tooth in the grass. Poor guy. This one he did on his own at home. He also wanted to know what color his fairy was. When we woke up the next morning the tooth was still there and the fairy hadn't come. His fairy has actually done this once before. The thing is we have decided that the fairy is a bit of a dare devil. This fairy wants to come when the kids are awake. Either that or she is not so much of a night owl. Anyway, she ended up sneaking in his room while he was eating breakfast. Here are the results of JJ's fairy...

BLUE! We think she might also be a bit on the hefty side because when she went in there was water everywhere. JJ also got two golden dollars. Man the kids are rich now.
RED! She was so excited it was just the color she wanted her to be. The tooth fairy also left two golden dollars.
JJ lost his without me even home. I think he has lost two without me. One at school and he actually lost the tooth in the grass. Poor guy. This one he did on his own at home. He also wanted to know what color his fairy was. When we woke up the next morning the tooth was still there and the fairy hadn't come. His fairy has actually done this once before. The thing is we have decided that the fairy is a bit of a dare devil. This fairy wants to come when the kids are awake. Either that or she is not so much of a night owl. Anyway, she ended up sneaking in his room while he was eating breakfast. Here are the results of JJ's fairy...

BLUE! We think she might also be a bit on the hefty side because when she went in there was water everywhere. JJ also got two golden dollars. Man the kids are rich now.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Ashlee

For Ashlee's birthday we had a GNO. I know I am getting spoiled. We went to Olive Garden and had a wonderful time. Thanks Ash for letting us spend the night with you. Smitty was out of town, so my Mom and Me thought no one should be alone on their birthday so we went to dinner. Thanks again Mom for footing the bill. We ate like pigs and loved every minute. It was fun to spend time just the girls(minus :(Maren of course ) We will have to do it more often.
Meads Family
Wish us luck
We are now working on the top teeth for poor Elsie! She has a fever and is fast asleep. (This is why I am able to blog) Hopefully these teeth will prove to be easier then the bottom. Oh by the way she has two teeth on bottom now.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Making Rolls
Jeron's step sister-in-law Katrina came over today to learn how to make rolls. Now stop laughing some of you. I can teach how to make rolls. Actually it was a lot of fun. The best part though was I got a phone call and so I was on the phone and just started making them without showing her what to do. I switched into Mom mode and got what needed to be done done. It was very funny if you ask me. She took the dough home so I am not sure how hers turned out, but mine turned out delicious. So if anyone else wants to learn I could totally teach you...that is if my phone doesn't ring.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
We have a tooth
Okay so you can't see the tooth in the picture but we finally have a tooth. I was so excited. I made everyone in the family come and see and touch it. We have been waiting for this tooth for six months now. WAHOO!
Monday, January 19, 2009
cOusiN fUn
We had a long weekend and I was going crazy trying to think of things to do to entertain the kids. that is when I decided that my cousins kids should stay over for the weekend. It was cheap, fun, and easy. I knew the kids would be in heaven with this idea.
I told them on Saturday we were going to pick up a package. They were going nuts over what it might be. I heard DS games, Toys, doll, all sorts of things. This had me a little worried because it wasn't going to be a prize they could keep. I was worried I might disappoint them. When we got to 90th south JJ said "Oh, I know we are going to get our cousins. They live over here." When I got off on 106th Emma said "No, we are going to get Brookie and Maddie. I know this is the way to there house." Well smart kids that I have they had figured it out. We picked them up had lunch at Calee's and then headed home.

We made pizza, played, went to church, played, ate lots of food, played, made forts, ate crepes, played, went on a walking trail, played and just had a great time. Thanks for coming over and making our long weekend a blast. My kids were certainly not disappointed that there wasn't a prize. They were thrilled to have Boo and Maddie over.
I told them on Saturday we were going to pick up a package. They were going nuts over what it might be. I heard DS games, Toys, doll, all sorts of things. This had me a little worried because it wasn't going to be a prize they could keep. I was worried I might disappoint them. When we got to 90th south JJ said "Oh, I know we are going to get our cousins. They live over here." When I got off on 106th Emma said "No, we are going to get Brookie and Maddie. I know this is the way to there house." Well smart kids that I have they had figured it out. We picked them up had lunch at Calee's and then headed home.

We made pizza, played, went to church, played, ate lots of food, played, made forts, ate crepes, played, went on a walking trail, played and just had a great time. Thanks for coming over and making our long weekend a blast. My kids were certainly not disappointed that there wasn't a prize. They were thrilled to have Boo and Maddie over.
Famiy Fun,
Monson Family
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A much needed GNO

Our neighborhood had a much needed girls night out. I haven't gone out with the ladies for a while now. I have been a hermit the last couple of months. I was actually telling Jeron if I didn't do something soon I was going to go bonkers. So thanks to whomever set it up.(I think Nichole did.)I had a fantabulous time. We went and saw Bride Wars and I loved it. I am loving just about everything that Kate Hudson is in. I would recommend it to all ladies. After we went to Applebees for desert. Great company and conversation.
PS. I cut my bangs that morning. With sewing scissors I might add. My sister just cut her bangs and we wanted to be twins. I went for it and was a little nervous to go out in public with my little girl bangs. Then when I saw Kate Hudson had the same bangs I felt totally WITH IT. Oh ya, you need any style advice just come to me. I am IN! Hehehehehehehe
Mom's Moments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Oh my she is ten months
She is finally crawling. This is huge. I really though she was going to walk first. She has been pulling herself up and walking around the furniture. The crawling thing just wasn't happening and then Emma worked with her a little and wallah. She is a crawler. She still is crying a lot, but it seems to be getting better. Her nights are still a nightmare, and I have bags under my eyes that look like you could put money in them but hey she is cute. She loves her bath time. She is now scared to death of Ellie. She is very interested in Emma and JJ. She still can't be more then two feet from me, but I kind of like that. She loves to play with Jeron. Late at night he is the one she goes to when she is to tired to go to sleep. She will snuggle with him and out she goes. We started her on milk but I think she might be allergic. UGH! I am going to keep pretending I don't notice the diarrhea. I have no clue what to do about this one.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
wHat tO do?
I just finished making cupcakes and sat down at my computer to take a look at my new photoshop when I hear the oven open, shut, open, shut. I ask Emma where is Ellie. Emma tells me she is over by the oven. I go in to find Ellie putting a whisk in the cupcake batter in the OVEN! My oven is at 350 degrees cooking my cupcakes. She is innocently standing there eating the batter off of the whisk and smiling. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep her from getting burned. S-E-R-I-O-U-S-L-Y. That girl has someone watching out for her is all I can say. YIKES! I am sure my heart will start soon.
Friday, January 2, 2009
sUgaR tAstEs sWeeT

I was so excited for this game. I don't think that I took a breath until the last 30 seconds in the 4th quarter. We were ahead the whole time, but I never feel safe unless we are like forty points ahead. What a great game though. Johnson played an outstanding game, and our defense took it to the Tide.
Utes Jr. Fan Club Kids (look at Ellie doing the "U"...so cute!)Utah sweatshirts provided by Mama and Papa. Finally my kids look the part! Thanks a bunch for those fun Christmas presents.

Isn't she the cutest Ute fan. #1 Baby

I shouldn't say anything but Jeron might be switching sides. I mean really who can blame him. Okay he will always love his cougars but I think he is starting to really warm up to the Utes. I will have to say I do like the rivalry a little. We all need a little spice right. There really is nothing cuter then when a Dad and his son wear a UTAH shirt together on game day though. I can dream right?!?
Now that is what a perfect season looks like:)
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year
Our kids have a blast ringing in the New Year. We usually go to my parents house for the big event. This year we almost didn't. They weren't feeling well and neither was I. We ended up last minute deciding that we felt up to it. We are glad we did. Every year there is plenty of good food and even better company. The Kobers always come if in town and this year is no exception.(long time family friends) We played Pinochle. For all of my sibling you heard me right. Jeron and I were F-I-N-A-L-L-Y inducted to the club. I bet your all jealous. Then after the ball drops we eat crab legs and make fun of Mom. It is always a good time. We missed all who weren't able to come this year. Maybe 2010, isn't that weird.
The kids always bang pans. I think Ellie thought this was the greatest thing ever.

Can't start the new year off without a kiss. Yummy!

Elsie showing us that she is so excited that it is the New Year...and yes that is at midnight and she is wide awake like always.

I can't believe that it is 2009.
The kids always bang pans. I think Ellie thought this was the greatest thing ever.

Can't start the new year off without a kiss. Yummy!

Elsie showing us that she is so excited that it is the New Year...and yes that is at midnight and she is wide awake like always.

I can't believe that it is 2009.
Famiy Fun
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