Tonight we went to JJ's pack meeting. He was the one that announced the flag. (Is it called Color Guard? I have no idea.)He did a really good job. Him and some of his friends earned their Bobcat badge. I even got one for helping him. I really think that Jeron deserved it. He has helped him with a lot of his things. JJ really enjoys scouts and he has an awesome leader. I think because of this JJ will have a wonderful Cub Scout experience. Way to go JJ. Keep it up.
Way to go JJ. Keep it up and you will be able to get your Eagle by the time you are 12 1/2. Love you!
hey JJ that is awesome!!! way to go big guy.
Yeah! JJ congrats! You have a life time of scouts ahead of you. Be a good boy and do your scouts without your mom having to nag at you! Keep your excitement all through the years, your mom will appreciate it.!
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