When you go from having a baby to having another one, you tend to compare the two. I keep getting surprised by all that Elsie can do and then remember who I am comparing her to. Everything has been so much harder for Ellie to learn. It took her over a year to learn how to cry. I bet you didn't know that is a learned thing. We were sitting in one of her many doctor appointments and they wanted her to take this HORRIBLE sedation medication orally. She was so upset that she cried. I mean really cried, tears and all. I was so excited that she had learned this that I started to cry with joy. I know that sounds weird but I really wanted her to learn this. We all need a good cry once in awhile. She still has to work on crying though. If she is with someone she doesn't know very well she won't cry. Even if her hand is stuck in the door.(real example) It is something that she is continually progressing on. Some days I wish she wouldn't work so hard on it.
Anyway back to what I was even posting about. Today I was running behind and the baby needed a bath. I still needed to shower and thought "I should just give Elsie a shower with me." I have not wanted to do this because babies hate showers. They cry, throw a fit, arch their back, and are just plain terrified. Shower+soap+wet scared baby=DANGER Right?!? WRONG! I totally forgot this is something that is hard for Ellie but Elsie LOVED it. I then started to remember that "Oh ya, I did this with JJ and Emma and they loved it." Ellie has very sensitive nerves. So the feel of the water hitting her body like it does drives her crazy, plus she doesn't trust the situation at all. When I held Elsie I realized how much I missed these moments with Ellie. It made me feel so bad for her. She saw me in the shower with Elsie and wanted to get in. So all by herself she took off her pajamas(no small task for her)and got in with us. She immediately got scared, cried and stood at the back of the shower so the water couldn't get her. My heart was broken for her. She wanted so badly to do what Elsie was doing, but her body wouldn't let her.
Another thing that breaks my heart is that there comes a time for any little kid to want to go play with a friend. In her limited vocabulary she has told me how much she wants to go and play. She is still like a two year old in some things so to send her to someone's house is like asking them to baby sit. I can't do that to my neighbors. I have kids come over but it just isn't the same. She wants to do what JJ and Emma are doing. When they leave to go and play with their friends she cries for the next 30 minutes in her room laying on her anywhere chair.
My neighbor has told me that I can send her over but when I do I just feel guilty the whole time. You are probably thinking "Don't! She told you you could." and I wouldn't except the other day I was with some kids her same age and I asked one of them if she would like to come over and play with Ellie today. She turned and looked and Ellie with an uneasy look and said "No, I don't want to play with her."
At first this broke my heart. Then I thought back to before I had Ellie and I probably would have been that little girl who said "No". She wasn't being mean, she was being honest. We judge people on their outer appearances. We are taught this is not right, but this is how children are. My kids are included in this.
After giving this some thought I realized that Ellie never gets calls to come play. That is because when you ask your kids who they want to play with they tell you. I started putting two and two together and realized that she is not the kid that other kids want to play with. Again this breaks my heart. The thing is I totally understand. I use to not have a Down Syndrome child. I use to be one that was uneasy and felt pity for those that did have one. I can't expect because I have changed that everyone else will as well.
I just have to figure out a way to not let these kind of things get to me. I could just cry and cry when she goes to her room and cries. I get her to come out with some fun activity that her and Mom can do together. This usually works, but I know in her heart she really truly wants a friend. She loves her play group, preschool, and Ballet. She gets so excited when she hears that she gets to go to one of these. I wish that I could construct a kid that she could have as her best friend. I guess in a way Jeron and I already did. She just needs to get bigger first and then Ellie and Elsie can be best friends for a season.
The thing that scares me is that she is only four. Soon she will be eight and what then? I hope I get some answers to this dilemma before the time comes. I am so grateful to the women that are ahead of me in this process. They come with so much insight and wisdom. I will just keep asking them for advice.
It really is a wonderful world to be a part of. Just some days are harder then others. That is why we have family and friends to help us through the days that break our hearts. I know each of us have issues with our kids and I am not unique in mine. My heart breaks all the time for my other kids as well. It is just easier to figure the problems out when other kids have the same issues.
I am sure in a while I will learn the reason why Ellie has to struggle with this. I have already learned so much from her as it is. We will just keep loving her and heaven knows she will keep loving all of us.
Aw Megan, that really pulled at my heartstrings. Nothing hurts me more than when I watch my kids struggle or be hurt. She's lucky she has such a wonderful mom. I really really mean this...we would LOVE to have her play at our house! Carter gets so bored when the girls are at school. She may not want to come because she doesn't know me, but we've got tons of dress-ups to bribe her with. Ask her and see what she thinks.
I am coming with Brent the next time he goes to see your dad so Boston and Ellie can fight.....oh I mean play :)
most of those stories made me chuckle. i know i know i am the heartless one, but it is funny to read the stories second hand. plus she is my favorite. i will come play with her on my days off if she will give me a little call-ski.
What Smitty? Ellie's heartbreak makes you chuckle? We need to have a talk.
Hi Megan :)
I hadn't checked in on your blog for a while! This post was so touching. I admire you guys tremendously. I appreciate your honesty.
Make me cry!I love that Ellie Bellie. You guys must need a trip to Montana! I am sure that would fix everything...okay well it would fix me feeling guilty that I am so far a way and of no use to you. You are great Megan, and truly all Ellie needs is you and your cute family. That's so much more than a lot of kids have. I so wish I could be of help.Mel
Aw Megan, this broke my heart, We love Ellie. I know Madi would love to play with her. Parker would as well. He loves having friends over. And of course it wouldn't feel like babysitting either. It would be fun. Your family is amazing and I love your kids.
Wow Megan that was amazing, it totally tugged at my heart! Little Ellie can come play with me, Luke and Taylor ANYTIME! What a sweet little Angel you have!!!!!
PS...to answer your question about my dad...he is COMPLETELY converted to the U! At first it was really wierd to see him wearing Utah stuff, but now I can't even imagine anything else! GO UTES...#32!
Wow, Megan. I don't even know what to say. It is so hard to watch your children suffer. Even harder when there's not much you can do about it. Ellie is unique in her situation, because (like you pointed out) developmentally she's behind, but she's in classes at church and school with kids her own physical age. Those kids can't relate to her very well, and the younger kids (who she'd probably get along with great) don't know her. It's a tough situation. My heart goes out to you (and her!). Please call me the next time she wants to play (I'm absolutely serious about this) and we'll see if between Brynli and Callie we can keep her entertained...
Oh Megan. I love how honest you are! That is so heartbreaking. You are so understanding. That is so nice of you to put yourself in others shoes and cut them some slack. What an opportunity those kids are missing.
As always it is a pleasure to read about your joys and sorrows of parenting. We all have different ones don't we. Thank you for sharing it did me good. Give Ellie and extra hug from Texas.
wow meg. that really is a lot to take in. i am sorry your heart is hurting and wish that i lived closer.
Man! This post made me want to cry. All I can say is I love Ellie - she is a doll and makes everyone around her happy. And when I have a baby she/he will love Ellie so much and they will want to play with her all the time. So I guess you'll have to visit us a little more :)
I love you! I love Ellie! I love your whole family! It is hard to see you and Ellie go through these challenges but I know you both come out stronger on the other side of it!! You are always there for her and in the end that is the most important thing. :)
That really touched me Megan. As a parent, it's so hard to watch others not see in your children what you see in them. The most important thing is that she has an incredible family that loves her, and a circle of friends that do too.
I wish we lived close...we would LOVE to have Ellie over to play! Thanks for sharing your struggles with us. It's healthy for you to let them out and it's helpful for people like me with their own struggles to realize we're not alone. Oh the range of emotions that come along with being a parent. And I must say, you are an AMAZING mother. Love ya!
oh now i have a broken heart! she is such a sweet love!
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