My kids just love their Aunt Maren. While she was here they got to spend almost everyday with her. One of the things they loved the most was having a sleep over with her. They watched High School Musical II and slept in the family room with her.
I think this was so exciting for them. They have been wanting to sleep at my parents house this summer and finally got the chance. The next morning they ate crepes with her. Then we had to say our sad goodbyes...hopefully not for too long this time.
So much fun!
Aunties are the best!! Glad your kids have such a good one! Hey, who took the new pics of your fam? LOVE THEM!! Was it Hailey?
I'm back! I have been out of the blogging world all summer it feels like. It was so fun to check out your blog again. You guys were busy the last few weeks of summer. It looks like you did some really fun things. We went up to this is the place a few days ago with my sisters. It was really fun. Hot. But fun. There is so much more up there than I ever thought. I thought it would be really fun to go up there on a nice cool fall day. Maybe we'll have to take a trip up there in a month or so! Anyway all your kids are growing up and looking so sweet. We need to get together sometime. My sisters have been in town for a whole month. I feel like I haven't seen anyone all summer.
p.s. what's up with baling on scrapbooking? I'm sorry I did cards. We don't ever have to do cards again I promise! Come back okay.
Aren't aunts the best! Especially when they're so cool to hang out with!
The last time I saw Maren was at her wedding shower at Nancy's house. How sad is that!?! I'm glad you guys had such a fun visit with her.
glad you got to see your sis... the pics are way cute! we need to have a get together soon.. we miss ya'll :)
I LOVE Maren! It looks like you guys had a blast while she was here! You guys have been busy doing fun things lately! It was so fun to see you a while ago at lunch! Your kids are all ADORABLE!!!! See you soon hopefully!
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