That ain't no sliver...it is a hinge off of a hair clip. My goodness she wasn't even alarmed. I would have freaked out but she just nonchalantly said "hey look at this piece of metal in my foot." The funny thing though...she would not let me pull it out. Every time I went near her foot she would scream and pull it away. She had to pull it out herself. Brave little princess.
Holy Cow!! I can't even look at it or it makes me sick! She is so brave!!
Wow! I am impressed how brave Emma is. If that happened to Anneka I believe you would have heard her wailing all the way at your house!!
I didn't know you get into Lagoon free or I totally would have called. I knew you had just gone twice and didn't want to make you feel obligated since it is dang expensive. :( Next time for sure!! Although I think my head is still spinning!! jk But it sure makes you feel your age if you know what I mean!!
Geez!! That looks so bad. How did it even get in her foot?
How did that get in there? Was it not deep? Ouch!
I can't believe there was no screaming! If that happened to Tara the entire neighborhood would have know in 2 seconds flat!
Nice job Emma!
Oh my goodness! I can't believe she didn't panic over that--I would! She IS a brave girl!
Emma you are so brave. . I would have been crying. . Was it in there real deep?
oh my emma. way to be a champ!
I can't believe that! What a tough girl - you go Emma!
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