We had so much fun. I always love it when the kids have friends over because it helps me to be nicer. I get to act a little less Mommy and a little more friend. When the girls came they danced to Hannah Montana. They thought this was awesome. Then they headed out on the deck and had pizza, pretzels, grapes, and more soda pop they anyone should be allowed to consume. Then we went out and played Red Rover and Hide 'n' go seek. One of the girls got clotheslined so I decided to end that game. I didn't need any angry parents after me. After I got nervous having all the cute girls hiding and I couldn't see them my anxiety won out and we went in. The girls decorated cupcakes. I have never seen so many sprinkles in my life. My kitchen still is glimmering from it all. After they indulged themselves on icing, and sprinkles they sat down to watch High School Musical One. This had to be one of the cutest parts of the night. Every girl was singing at full volume every note. It was so cute. After consuming popcorn, snickers, reeses peanut butter cups, Dots, red vines, and more soda pop their energy level was off the charts. There was pillow fights, screaming, dancing, sreaming, hiding, screaming, running, and did I mention screaming. When it was all said and done they all went home with a smile on their sweet little face. Thanks to my Mom and Jeron we were able to get a picture to all the girls when I took them home. It was such a fun thing. We will have to do it again. (This is the picture they all got to take home.)

why does a 6 year old have a back to school party?
Thank you so much for inviting my girls! They had such a good time...You are too nice of a mom to have all those little girls in your house at one time!
What a FUN mom you are!
I looove the idea of a back to school party! I'm going to steal it next year.
Thanks Megan. You are so amazing. Madi had such a great time. Thanks again. :)
It is fun to hear about what you did! Baylee said she had fun, but that was as deep as the conversation went. You are so great to do this for everyone. You are such a great mom!
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