I will have to say this is my favorite place at the park. This is the home of my Great Great Great Grandmother Mary Fielding Smith. I had to catch myself so that I wouldn't cry. It was the actual spot in which she raised her family. I felt humbled as I stood there. She built her home herself. She had a place reserved for her in the Salt Lake Valley but chose to live away from everyone. She was very determined to do things her way. I look up to her and am honored to be a part of her family.

Elsie as such a good girl. It was blazing hot and she did awesome!

Getting ready to go back to school.

JJ looking pretty good as a student.

My cute sister and Elsie

Emma getting a Shave...good thing there wasn't a blade.

Uncle Michael and Ellie

Are we having fun yet?

Mama, Papa, and Emma waiting for the train.

JJ at the Monument. He loved looking through Orsen Pratts telescope to see the monument.

The girls doing the laundry. They loved it...maybe we should go back to that way. The sure don't love to help me with it now. Okay I am lying it really is Ellie's favorite thing in the world to do with me. Not Emma though, she HATES it.

JJ hitting the rug. That wore him out after a half dozen hits.

Ellie kept giving this cute goat hugs. I think that they really bonded.

Papa walking by Emma on the hoarse.

I think this is one of the funnest things that the kids have done all summer long. They loved it there. We need to go again because we were only able to get about half of it done.
I will have to say my brothers and sister are troopers to spend the day with the kids like that. Thanks Mom and Dad for such a neat day. The kids will remember it forever!