The tired but proud Mommy. I had been awake since 2:00am and had her at 12:25pm. So if the eyes look a bit tired...well they are.
Our stay in the NICU. I know that she needed to be there but I NEVER want to go back to that place. I don't know how parents do it for longer then we did. My hat goes off to all of you that have.
She Already knows how to have fabulous lips...fellas watch out!
After Elsie's first bath...I know she is already a week old and she hasn't had a bath...poor baby!
This is the cradle my Dad made for Emma's dolls. Elsie fits perfectly. The other cradle he made seems so big for her. I might have to take this one for awhile. I hope Emma doesn't mind.
We came home on Saturday around 1:00pm. It felt so good to be home. In fact I completely crashed when we came home. I must of had some major adrenaline running through my veins because as soon as we got home I crashed and didn't recover until Sunday. I think Elsie loves to be home. She sleeps peacefully even when the kids are acting crazy around her. Jeron is still very overprotective of her. It is so funny to watch him. He is like this with all of our kids when we bring them home. He takes her and goes off to a remote corner of the house and snuggles with her. It is adorable I think. If the baby is missing I know that Dad has run away with her again. I am just so glad to be home. Thanks for all of your prayers. We needed them and felt them. Wahoo! It is finally over. Six weeks of hell and now it is time to enjoy the little piece of heaven that we call Elsie.
Oh she is so cute and so little! I don't think she looks like Emma... does she? I'm glad she is finally home and doing better. Cute little Elsie! Tell her I love her and I can't wait to meet her... hopefully sometime soon!
I might just have to snatch her away! She is so darling and I love the picture of her in the doll cradle. Too cute! Can't wait to meet her.
She is soooo precious you guys!! She looks like a little porcelain doll. Good luck adjusting to life and we can't wait to meet her!!
Congrats Megan! I'm glad you are finally home.
What a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL baby!!! I can't wait to meet her and snuggle her! I loved the story about Jeron. Don't you just love dads and daughters? I think Joy told you of our plan to switch off kids and come visit. How is the end of this week or the beginning of next? I can't wait to hold sweet Elsie!! By the way, what does Ellie think of the new baby? Is she jealous? Or is she overly affectionate?
Well, I'm so happy you're home!!! Love the pictures! Post them often.
She is adorable! I can't believe how little she it. I love the doll cradle!
All I can say is FINALLY!!! I am so happy and relieved for you that you are all home. Call me when you have a moment.
I'm so glad you are home and well. It is fun to see more pictures of her. She is beautiful.
She is precious - a little piece of heaven. We are so glad you are all home now. She is so beautiful!
By the way, Megan, you look so good in that picture - what are you talking about? You are darling!
I'm glad you are home. Hospitals are the worst!
Oh my gosh she is so cute!!! I am so glad you are both home....I am so sorry you had to go through that, I know its the worst!!! But I guess it makes us greatful when they are home and nobody can tell us when and how much we can hold them! I am so excited for our little princesses to grow up and be little friends!
Megan! She is absolutely beautiful!! I'm so glad you are home and all is going well. What a doll! Thanks for letting me peek at your blog. It is awesome! Mine still needs a lot of work. Again, Elsie is too cute!
She is adorable!! I want to come over and hold her. She is just so tiny. Little babes are so fun yet so hard. I am glad she is doing better and let me know if you need anything. Also thanks for always commenting such cute things about Bella I love it!! Your so stinking cute. Also that picture of you after you delivered is such a good picture I wish I looked like that after giving birth gosh!
Yay for Elsie being home safe and sound! The picture of her swaddled in the pink flower blanket is cute...she looks so tiny.
Little Elsie in the tiny cradle your dad made has got to be the the sweetest thing ever!! So glad you're all home safe and sound.
She is just gorgeous! The picture of her in the doll crib is so cute! Good luck and hopefully in a few months you can come to scrapbook night!
She is so beautiful!!! I know how scary it is going through all that crap & that is is so very nice to be home. I think you look great in your pic with her. Congrats & thanks for letting me see your cute pics. Cacia
Oh my goodness Megan, she is beautiful!! Congratulations! You have such a darling family--I'm so happy for you!
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