Our New Family Picture
What a handsome stud.
Such a little Sweetheart
What a little turkey. She wouldn't hold still so we just had to take one in motion.
So I caught her smiling. Yeah for me. I just think she is so adorable. The dress is ten sizes to big for her. My Mom bought them all matching dresses. I love to do the matchy matchy thing maybe that is why I got another girl.
All our cute kiddos
Ellie just loves her new sister. She asks to hold her all the time.
We had a wonderful Easter. I wish that the weather had been better but that is what you get for doing it a week late. The kids had there first clue treasure hunt. I really did a crappy job because JJ found all the clues before hand. I had to keep telling him to not tell Emma what it said. When all was said and done they found a basketball stand at the end. Emma was a little disappointed. I think once they get it up she will love it. I know I did when I was a kid. I also hid the kids Easter baskets in the same place as last year. Seriously, they both found theirs in two seconds. Even Ellie found hers right away. We need a new Easter Bunny. In all it was a wonderful Easter.
I hope that the kids know the meaning of Easter and that all the other stuff is just fluff. I love Easter and the promise that comes from the Atonement. Jesus is risen. I hope all of you feel of the love of our Savior during the magical time of spring .
So cute, so cute! Love them kids!
Holy cow (!!) that new baby is beautiful, especially in that dress that was way too big!!! I must get to your house this week to meet her! The other kids looked darling as always. Heck yes you need to match those three little girls! I'm all about that too.
So sweet - all of them, but Elsie is so cute! Her coloring is so good and she is perfect in every way! Fun times at the Snow House.
I can't believe how little and cute Elsie is! That dress is HUGE on her. She looks adorable and I love the little smile. JJ, Emma, and Ellie also look really cute. And your family pic is great! Good job! PS you look really good!
Such adorable pictures. Your kids are so cute. Elsie looks so tiny, but she is so dang cute! Sounds like you had a good Easter. Cacia
So cute!! All the kids looked darling and I can't believe you caught Elsie smiling! Glad you had a nice Easter even if it was a week late.
Fun Easter pictures. I love the cute little matching dresses. Don't feel bad, the Easter Bunny is an even bigger slacker at our house...no hidden eggs or basket. I know, our bunny should be reported. I'm going to have to get back to you on the typing test, I keep getting interrupted. And will you please tell your mom thanks for her comment on our blog. I haven't figured out the answer to her question yet, but I will. Unfortunately I don't have a way to leave a comment for her. Thanks!
BTW... yes I do have easter pictures - i think ryan is post them today and also it does suck that mom doesn't buy us dresses anymore... lame!
Okay, I finally did the typing test and I got 59 words per minute. I'm convinced I could have done better if Kate hadn't been trying to take my socks off...but whatever! :)
I love your family pic!! 4 kids looks like a huge family! I wish you the best of luck! Yesterday we were struggling with just 3 and Chad said, how in the world did people average 8 kids back in the day?! I sure don't know but it looks like you are managing quite well, they all look so darn cute!
What a beautiful family, Megan! It sounds like a wonderful Easter and your Easter bunny was probably a bit tired, so cute him some slack!
that was supposed to say CUT not cute :)
Love all your pics Megan, and I'm impressed you got Elsie smiling! I also agree you need to cut the Easter Bunny some slack-- :)
Little Elsie is such a beautiful baby! And your kids are too dang cute! Emma looks just like you!
Love Love Love the pictures. Your kids are so stinking cute. That is so fun that you have a new little baby. I love it!!
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