Our darling little girl was born on Friday, March 14, 2008 at 12:25 p.m. She was 5 pounds 6 ounces, 18 inches long. She is absolutely adorable. She looks a lot like her big sister Emma did when she was born. She was taken for her initial assessment and she was having trouble breathing so she was taken to the NICU. She has been there ever since. She is having a hard time breathing on her own because she has pneumonia. She got this when she was born because all I had to do was a 1/2 push and she shot out like she was going down a slip and slide and inhaled some fluid on the way out. She has had to go through a lot of procedures but is doing well today. We don't know how long she will be in the NICU. It will all depend on how hard she works at getting off the oxygen. She is showing slight improvements daily and so hopefully she'll be coming home soon. I'll try to keep you posted but right now things are crazy and I'm sorry that I can't talk to all of your more. We love our cute little baby girl and are so excited to have her in our family. If you are all wondering what her name is. . . well, so are we! We'll let you know!

She's so little and cute! I hope she gets to go home soon. Congratulations!
Congratulations! Omigosh, she is little and all of the 'equipment' is no fun! We are praying for her.
Sooo little and precious! Hope things improve today. We are continually praying for her and your family. Hang in there!
P.S. Did you change your mind on her name?
She is so sweet I'm sorry to hear she is in the NICU. Britton had this exact same thing when he was born. It was really scary but he snapped out of it pretty quick. I hope and pray she will too. Let me know if you need anything. Are you home?
Congratulations! She is so cute and I hope she gets feeling better quick.
Congratulations!!! She looks totally precious and teeny! We hope and pray you can bring her home safe and sound really soon! Best of luck and keep us posted.
Wow! 1/2 a push, how crazy! Congrats on having her. I wish she got to be home with your guys, but we will keep her in our prayers.
My mom told me that you hardly pushed. That is nice for you, but not her apparently. Well she is darling and congrats. I kept calling you and I am telling you not to make you feel bad, but just so you know I tried. Love your face!
Do you have a nurse named Denise?
Yeah Congrats. I am sure she will get healthy so soon and be able to come home. I want to help you if you need anything let me know, I am not joking either. She is so pretty. love you!
So sweet!! I hope you will let us know if you need anything. She's so little. I can't wait to meet her!!
Congratulations! Good Luck and keep us posted. She's beautiful!
She is so precious! Congratulations. I'm sure a name will come to you. I hope you are able to bring her home soon.
Congrats!!!!! She is so cute! I hope both you and the baby are doing well!! I can't wait to find out what you name her!!! Keep us posted!!!!
I am so glad that all is well and that you are home!! I can't wait to meet her! I want to come over and see her and your house! Let me know when you feel settled-if that ever happens with four kids! Good luck and I can't wait to see your girls Easter dresses! Don't feel bad for JJ, if I had all girls I think my boys would be snubbed in the clothes department too!
Congrats, Megan! She looks so tiny and sweet. Love the eyelashes on her goggles! I'll be anxious to hear updates on how she's doing, and we'll sure be keeping your family in our thoughts and prayers!
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