Here is what Ellie was doing while I fed Elsie. Wish me luck with this one.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Random Silliness
I was listening to my songs while I was feeding the babe...Tiny Dancer by Tim McGraw came on and I was reminded of what I use to think the song said. It wasn't until Tim did his version of the song that I ever knew the words. Elton John didn't enunciate his words as well as Tim did. I thought it said "Hold me closer Tony Danza...Lay me down in sheets a blending." Don't ask me why I thought this. I knew Elton was gay, but I wondered why Tony Danza. I didn't know what sheets a blending meant and didn't want to know. When Tim sang it a light went on and finally I can belt out that song and not sound like a complete idiot.(Except for the tone deaf voice that comes out when I do sing) For those of you who were in the dark like me it is "Hold me closer Tiny Dancer (hence the name of the song)... lay me down in sheets of linen." That makes a lot more sense doesn't it.
Here is what Ellie was doing while I fed Elsie. Wish me luck with this one.

Here is what Ellie was doing while I fed Elsie. Wish me luck with this one.
Mom's Moments
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Our Happy Easter
Our New Family Picture
What a handsome stud.
Such a little Sweetheart
What a little turkey. She wouldn't hold still so we just had to take one in motion.
So I caught her smiling. Yeah for me. I just think she is so adorable. The dress is ten sizes to big for her. My Mom bought them all matching dresses. I love to do the matchy matchy thing maybe that is why I got another girl.
All our cute kiddos
Ellie just loves her new sister. She asks to hold her all the time.
We had a wonderful Easter. I wish that the weather had been better but that is what you get for doing it a week late. The kids had there first clue treasure hunt. I really did a crappy job because JJ found all the clues before hand. I had to keep telling him to not tell Emma what it said. When all was said and done they found a basketball stand at the end. Emma was a little disappointed. I think once they get it up she will love it. I know I did when I was a kid. I also hid the kids Easter baskets in the same place as last year. Seriously, they both found theirs in two seconds. Even Ellie found hers right away. We need a new Easter Bunny. In all it was a wonderful Easter.
I hope that the kids know the meaning of Easter and that all the other stuff is just fluff. I love Easter and the promise that comes from the Atonement. Jesus is risen. I hope all of you feel of the love of our Savior during the magical time of spring .
Friday, March 28, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
elSie rAcheL sNow
Our newest arrival...Elsie Rachel Snow!

The tired but proud Mommy. I had been awake since 2:00am and had her at 12:25pm. So if the eyes look a bit tired...well they are.

Our stay in the NICU. I know that she needed to be there but I NEVER want to go back to that place. I don't know how parents do it for longer then we did. My hat goes off to all of you that have.

She Already knows how to have fabulous lips...fellas watch out!

After Elsie's first bath...I know she is already a week old and she hasn't had a bath...poor baby!

This is the cradle my Dad made for Emma's dolls. Elsie fits perfectly. The other cradle he made seems so big for her. I might have to take this one for awhile. I hope Emma doesn't mind.

We came home on Saturday around 1:00pm. It felt so good to be home. In fact I completely crashed when we came home. I must of had some major adrenaline running through my veins because as soon as we got home I crashed and didn't recover until Sunday. I think Elsie loves to be home. She sleeps peacefully even when the kids are acting crazy around her. Jeron is still very overprotective of her. It is so funny to watch him. He is like this with all of our kids when we bring them home. He takes her and goes off to a remote corner of the house and snuggles with her. It is adorable I think. If the baby is missing I know that Dad has run away with her again. I am just so glad to be home. Thanks for all of your prayers. We needed them and felt them. Wahoo! It is finally over. Six weeks of hell and now it is time to enjoy the little piece of heaven that we call Elsie.
The tired but proud Mommy. I had been awake since 2:00am and had her at 12:25pm. So if the eyes look a bit tired...well they are.
Our stay in the NICU. I know that she needed to be there but I NEVER want to go back to that place. I don't know how parents do it for longer then we did. My hat goes off to all of you that have.
She Already knows how to have fabulous lips...fellas watch out!
After Elsie's first bath...I know she is already a week old and she hasn't had a bath...poor baby!
This is the cradle my Dad made for Emma's dolls. Elsie fits perfectly. The other cradle he made seems so big for her. I might have to take this one for awhile. I hope Emma doesn't mind.
We came home on Saturday around 1:00pm. It felt so good to be home. In fact I completely crashed when we came home. I must of had some major adrenaline running through my veins because as soon as we got home I crashed and didn't recover until Sunday. I think Elsie loves to be home. She sleeps peacefully even when the kids are acting crazy around her. Jeron is still very overprotective of her. It is so funny to watch him. He is like this with all of our kids when we bring them home. He takes her and goes off to a remote corner of the house and snuggles with her. It is adorable I think. If the baby is missing I know that Dad has run away with her again. I am just so glad to be home. Thanks for all of your prayers. We needed them and felt them. Wahoo! It is finally over. Six weeks of hell and now it is time to enjoy the little piece of heaven that we call Elsie.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Our New Arrival!

Our darling little girl was born on Friday, March 14, 2008 at 12:25 p.m. She was 5 pounds 6 ounces, 18 inches long. She is absolutely adorable. She looks a lot like her big sister Emma did when she was born. She was taken for her initial assessment and she was having trouble breathing so she was taken to the NICU. She has been there ever since. She is having a hard time breathing on her own because she has pneumonia. She got this when she was born because all I had to do was a 1/2 push and she shot out like she was going down a slip and slide and inhaled some fluid on the way out. She has had to go through a lot of procedures but is doing well today. We don't know how long she will be in the NICU. It will all depend on how hard she works at getting off the oxygen. She is showing slight improvements daily and so hopefully she'll be coming home soon. I'll try to keep you posted but right now things are crazy and I'm sorry that I can't talk to all of your more. We love our cute little baby girl and are so excited to have her in our family. If you are all wondering what her name is. . . well, so are we! We'll let you know!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
sEe thE aiRplAne fLyiNg
This was my brother David's gift to my kids for there birthday. He just became a pilot and they got to see first hand what he does for a living. Pretty cool job.

Emma was really nervous at first to go up. In fact she offered her seat to me. She and JJ both had some jitters but they did end up going. David flew them over our house, their school, and Lagoon. They had an amazing time. They both couldn't stop talking about it. David also took Michael my baby brother up for his birthday. David wanted them to feel what zero gravity felt like. (ALSO to make it fun for Michael.)The kids hated it. I actually think they liked that part. JJ loves to tell everyone that you could see the pencil fly up. Better stories come from bigger adventures. I think it is great. It really has given them something to talk about. This really was a once in a lifetime thing for my kids. Thank you David.
Emma was really nervous at first to go up. In fact she offered her seat to me. She and JJ both had some jitters but they did end up going. David flew them over our house, their school, and Lagoon. They had an amazing time. They both couldn't stop talking about it. David also took Michael my baby brother up for his birthday. David wanted them to feel what zero gravity felt like. (ALSO to make it fun for Michael.)The kids hated it. I actually think they liked that part. JJ loves to tell everyone that you could see the pencil fly up. Better stories come from bigger adventures. I think it is great. It really has given them something to talk about. This really was a once in a lifetime thing for my kids. Thank you David.
Meads Family
My Mom really out did herself.
Emma asked for a High School Musical Cake. This is what my Mom came up with. I don't know how she did it so perfect. Emma is one lucky girl that I was not able to do it. Mine would have never turned out as cute as that.
Meads Family
Monday, March 10, 2008
pRinceSs eMmA iS tUrniNg 6 tOdaY!
Happy Birthday Little Emma.

I can't believe how fast kids grow up. It seems like only yesterday that we were taking or first little girl home. She was so stinking cute with all of her dark hair. Now she is turning into a beautiful young lady. She acts more like she is 16 then 6. Emma is such a sweet little girl. She always tries so hard to be a helper. She is very smart and catches on to everything. She is very giving and cares deeply about others. She is a wonderful sister to JJ and Ellie. Jeron and I feel so blessed to have her in our lives. We Love You Emma. Happy Birthday
I can't believe how fast kids grow up. It seems like only yesterday that we were taking or first little girl home. She was so stinking cute with all of her dark hair. Now she is turning into a beautiful young lady. She acts more like she is 16 then 6. Emma is such a sweet little girl. She always tries so hard to be a helper. She is very smart and catches on to everything. She is very giving and cares deeply about others. She is a wonderful sister to JJ and Ellie. Jeron and I feel so blessed to have her in our lives. We Love You Emma. Happy Birthday
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Saturday, March 8, 2008
I nEed tO vEnt
So here is the deal. I am going on 4+ weeks on bedrest. I am having off and on contractions the whole time. Well today things feel weird. For those of you who don't know in my previous pregnancy I am at an 8 before I get to the hospital. I have CONTRACTIONS but nothing steady. If anything I have had more today then I did all three of my kids put together. They always have to brake my water. Things don't happen until this point. Then I usually have the bundle in about 20 mins. I push 2 times. So today I feel off, like something is different. All day long I have been playing that should I go in or not game. Well we decided we will just wait for my water to break and then drive fast. It is about 10:45pm and now I am having the contracions every five minutes. Seriously. I think there should be a way to know without all of the guessing. SO needless to say, I don't know if we are going or waiting. I am just sick of all of this. I need a hobby!
Mom's Moments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
One word Tag
Tagged Again!!!
One-word answers--
1. Where is your cell phone? floor
2. Your significant other? Jeron
3. Your hair? brown
4. Worst bad habit? picking
5. Favorite food? Mexican
6. Your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night? Obama
8. Your favorite drink? water
9. Your dream/goal? peace
10.The room you're in? family
11. Your ex? creep
12. Your fear? heights
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? farmington
14. Where were you last night? home
15. What you're not? boring
16. Muffins? poppy seed
17. One of your wish list items? scrapbook room
18. Where you grew up? Utah
19. The last thing you did? coughed
20. What are you wearing? pajamas
21. Your TV? annoying
22. Your pets? none
23. Your computer? entertainment
24. Your life? slow
25. Your mood? fine
26. Missing someone? Maren
27. Your car? atrocious
28. Something you're not wearing? socks
29. Favorite Store? Rod Works
30. Your summer? exciting
31. Love someone? YES
32. When is the last time you laughed? W/ Alma
33. Last time you cried? Monday
34. Who will re-post this? Everyone
I tag Jana, Mom, Shannon, Nichole and whoever wants to do it.(Maren, Calee tagged you so that is why I didn't
One-word answers--
1. Where is your cell phone? floor
2. Your significant other? Jeron
3. Your hair? brown
4. Worst bad habit? picking
5. Favorite food? Mexican
6. Your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night? Obama
8. Your favorite drink? water
9. Your dream/goal? peace
10.The room you're in? family
11. Your ex? creep
12. Your fear? heights
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? farmington
14. Where were you last night? home
15. What you're not? boring
16. Muffins? poppy seed
17. One of your wish list items? scrapbook room
18. Where you grew up? Utah
19. The last thing you did? coughed
20. What are you wearing? pajamas
21. Your TV? annoying
22. Your pets? none
23. Your computer? entertainment
24. Your life? slow
25. Your mood? fine
26. Missing someone? Maren
27. Your car? atrocious
28. Something you're not wearing? socks
29. Favorite Store? Rod Works
30. Your summer? exciting
31. Love someone? YES
32. When is the last time you laughed? W/ Alma
33. Last time you cried? Monday
34. Who will re-post this? Everyone
I tag Jana, Mom, Shannon, Nichole and whoever wants to do it.(Maren, Calee tagged you so that is why I didn't
Saturday, March 1, 2008
One of those, Wow that was special days.
There is something about your child getting baptized that gives you so much satisfaction. I am very proud of my first and only son for his choice to be baptized. I know that he has a strong testimony of the Savior. He always has loved the gospel. It was neat to see him take that step of being baptized. When we asked him if he wanted to get baptized there was no hesitation. His answer was a simple and honest "Yes.". I love the wonderful day that we had. I am truly grateful for all of the help that we received to pull this off. I couldn't have done it without all of your help. Thank you all so much for helping my son have a wonderful day.
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