The kids took their Valentine's around to our family and we had fun being sneaky. We also had a fun time getting sneaked upon. The kids heard the door bell ring and went to the door. To their surprise there was a Wii game, donuts, and dolls for the little girls. JJ took off down the street chasing the car that drove by. He came home all out of breath when he realized it was the neighbors grandparents. It was funny it took our kids a good 10 minute to figure out it was Jeron and I. I am just so sly. Hehehehehe. Or they are that unaware. I think it might be the last option.
The door bell rang a second time that night and sitting on the porch were 3 cute monkeys, and a Snoopy with sugar cookies for the kids, and red velvet cupcakes for Jeron and I. Lucky us. Mmmmm. Thanks Mama and Papa. Elsie finds her monkey everyday, wraps it in a blanket, kisses it, and says "shhhh monkey seeping." So cute!
Jeron got me a yummy V chocolate, carmel apple and a CD that I wanted. Yes, I said CD. I hate iTunes. I like to be able to hold it, see it, I know weird. I got Jeron his FAVORITE treat. A sugar free razzleberry pie. I am totally serious. He had one about 4 months ago and loves it. I love all my Valentine's. The kids of course made homemade cards for Jeron and I. Nothing better.
It all sounds wonderful! great job on the Valentine's!!
Sounds like you had a great day. I can't belive you guys hand make your valentines...I'm so not that patient! They look adorable.
Elsie looks like such a big girl while she is "woocking". What a cutie!
Oh and P.S. I forgot to say tell Jeron he looks great with Emma's hair, he should think about growing it out...hehehe.
Sounds like a lot of fun! I loved the trick you pulled on the kids - how funny. Where's my valentine?
Awe sooo sweet!! And thanks for the good kind of heart attack!! I love how ya'll do such cute things... it gives me ideas to do with our kids. Thanks again!
--- I LOVE anything from V's choc....----
I have often thought that my Emma and Elsie look quite a bit alike.
Caleb did get Emma's letter, and he is anxious to write her back. He loved getting mail.
Sounds like a great Valentines!
I sure do love your updates!! I can't believe you MADE all those Valentines! Egads! I think I will stick with the box :) Lazy, I know.
AND....I had NO IDEA you had a cooking blog!!! I just noticed it...and I think we must love the same kinds of foods! I am so, so, so excited to try some of those recipes (in fact, most of them!). Especially your broccoli casserole. Oh, I think that is DELICIOUS! Also, the white chili looks delish. Anyway, that was a fun find this morning!
I don't know why but one day I will check your blog and it will be a post from about a month ago and then the next day I check and you have like 5 new posts! Anyway, looks like you have been busy and have had fun!
Cute valentines!! I am to lazy to go all out and stick with the boxed ones from the store. I even dropped the ball this year on getting the grandparents a valentine. What has happened to me?
we loved our valentines! they were delicious and super cute! i wish i would've remembered to have been a good aunt and sent out cute valentine's from lucy! we love you guys and miss you so much!
The "I love you" valentine is a great idea.
Cute crafts. And I'm with you....forget itunes, I want the CD.
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