JJ had his blue and gold banquet tonight. We had to decorate a cake as a family for the event. I stopped working at 4pm and had to get a cake and salad made by 6:30pm. So I got on line and googled Boy Scout Cake and here is our version of what we found.

The best part of this cake is my neighbor that lives across the street from me had the same idea and we made the exact same cake, only she was more creative and did round cakes and the #1 for 100 years of Boy Scouts. It was hilarious.
JJ got his bear award tonight. He did extra good and earned his yellow arrow also. The scoutmaster informed JJ that he did too much. I thought that was interesting. I didn't know there was too much in scouts. I hope you see the sarcasm in that.

JJ got to give me a pin for all my help. Cute huh. I guess they know mom actually does it all. hehehe.
Love the cake! What a slap in the face! It puts my birthday cake to shame! I can't believe it looks so good.
I have been totally out of the blogging world for like a month now! It looks like you have stayed busy through these dreadful Winter months! I love your cake but I love your food blog even more! You are so talented, I can't wait to try some of the recipes on there, thanks for sharing!!
Yummy.. the cake looks awesome and tasty!!!
Way to go JJ!
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