Elsie is now nine months and two days. She is still kind of stuck in the stage of not doing much. That is until today when she figured out how to get from laying down to sitting up. I was shocked. She doesn't even roll around. She is funny that way. She is starting to talk...babble a little. She says Dada, an occasional Mom, and Hi all the time. She loves to clap her hands. She also loves to sing with me or the kids. She still hasn't broken out in huge laughter yet. She will laugh but it usually turns to a cry after about ten laughs.
She thinks JJ is the coolest kid in the world and smiles whenever she sees him. She adores Emma and watches her in awe. Whenever Ellie walks into the room she starts to cry if she can't see me. Ellie has gotten in trouble (unfounded) because Elsie will start to cry hysterically. I now know this doesn't mean Ellie has hurt her. She does love Ellie when I am holding her. Elsie is totally attached to my hip. I have about a two foot leash. I love this but it is hard some days. She is the apple of her Daddy's eye. They have a cute bond. She loves to snuggle with him.
She is starting to get to that stage where everything is new and exciting. I just hope her teeth come soon. She has been trying to get them for a while. I feel awful for her. This has made her my most cranky baby by far. Some days it is very wearing. She cried almost the whole Thanksgiving weekend. By the time Monday came Jeron was thrilled to go back to work. I think she loves her schedule and when we don't keep it she isn't very happy with us.
She is the only baby that I have let cry herself to sleep. This was hard for me but I just couldn't do the 3am to 5am plus constant interruption to my sleep by other children shift anymore. It only took one night, and now she understands that she needs to get herself back to sleep. I wonder why I never did this with the others.
She really is a doll. We all just love her to pieces. She gets more then her fair share of kisses. I can't wait to see what else she will learn in a month.
I just love and adore Elsie!
She is so beautiful and precious Megan!
She is a doll! And she's lucky to have YOU!
Why do they have to grow up so fast? She sounds wonderful and I am totally jealous of those lashes!
She's darling! I still want to taker her home with me. Is that ok?
What a precious little princess. Those eyelashes are to die for!
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