I don't ever spend enough time saying what I am grateful for. My sister last year did an awesome post about all that she was grateful for, and I thought that I would copy her this year. That means that one of my brothers or sister-in-law will need to copy me next year. (HINT)
There really is so much to be grateful for. I am very blessed is so many ways. I have always been able to live the way that I want and how I want. I think that I take this for granted often. I was taught since I was born that I am a Daughter of God. This knowledge has blessed my life in ways beyond measure. No matter what life throws at me I know that I am loved. I hope for nothing more then that my children will always have the knowledge that Heavenly Father loves them. I also have felt of Christ's love from me. I know that He lives and through Him all can be made whole again. I know that He is there when I allow Him in. I am truly grateful for the atonement and all that it has meant for me.

I am so grateful for my family. I am so very blessed to have a loving husband and four beautiful children. I am able to stay home with my kids and be here for them. I am so grateful to Jeron for working hard so that I can be home. I am grateful that he sees the importance of me being here for them. Things are tight and yet he doesn't make me feel like I need to get a job. We do what we can so that I am here. Jeron gets me in a way that no one else does. We just fit together perfectly. Not to sound corny but he completes me. Our kids mean everything to me. I love how they soak everything up. They are full of life and remind me of what is good in this world. Being a Mom is so much different then I ever imagined growing up. It is so much harder yet more rewarding then anything I have experienced.

I am truly grateful for our families. My family is one of the best families out there. They are always supporting us and helping us in our lives. My kids are the only kids on the Meads side and they get spoiled by my family. My Mom and Dad are here at the drop of a hat when we need them. My Mom is one of my best friends. I know that if I need her she will be there for me. My Dad is our handy man. He has helped Jeron and I in so many jams. I am truly grateful for my siblings and their spouses. I don't think that any of them know just how much I love each of them. I look up to each of them for the examples they are to me.

I am grateful for Jeron's family. Jeron's Mom and Gene are just great. They have come to our aide more times then I can count. They are very supportive. I am grateful to have Jan as my Mother in law. Gene has always been so sweet to me. I am grateful for the times when we get together with everyone. We always laugh and have a fun time. John and Viki are here for us when we ask. It is good to be able to go to them especially for Jeron. I am grateful for Jeron's siblings and for the times when they have been there for me. Jeron's brother reminds me a lot of Jeron. The could be twins in so many ways. He looks out for Jeron and I appreciate that. I think that my nieces and nephew are just wonderful. My kids love to play with them and hang out.

I am grateful for the beauty that surrounds me. I love the mountains and the lakes and the valleys. I love the way that the leaves change color in Autumn and the way that the trees bud in the Spring. I love the winter when the ground is covered in white. In the Summer I love the lazy carefree days of going to the pool with my kids. I love the rain, the smell the air everything about the rain makes my soul sing. Every time I look around and take in the wonders of this world, I am reminded that Heavenly Father loves me.

I am grateful for my cell phone for a few simple reasons, one that I can go anywhere, two that my kids can get me whenever they need me, and last but not least I can talk to my sister when ever I need or want.

I am grateful for my home, the heat and air conditioning, my washing machine, my dishwasher. Our furnace has not been working the past couple of weeks. It is fixed now and I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am for heat. I am grateful that I no longer need to wear a hoodie and socks(yuck) in my home. When we went to This Is The Place I realized just how much I have, and that I need to not take these things for granted. We are blessed in so many ways. We have yards and good neighbors and every modern day convince. I am so glad for this
I am grateful for "the land of the free and the home of the brave" I am grateful for my freedom. I have a love for my country that runs deep. I am filled with pride everytime I see the flag.

I am grateful that I have the blessing of the Gospel in my life. I love the truth that I learn and the knowledge that we will one day life with our Father in Heaven again.

I am grateful for good friends that cheer me up when I am down. That remind me to take it all in stride and lift me up to be a better person. I am grateful to them for the examples that they are to me. I am fortunate to be surrounded by great Mothers, Wives, Sisters, Friends, and Daughters. They all teach me the way to be better in all areas of my life. Also I can't leave out that I have a freakin' great time with them and laugh until I cry.

I thankful for so many things. I am truly blessed. I will have to say that I can't end this without saying how grateful I am for my bed. I love to sleep, I crave it and I miss it. I am so grateful for the nights when I get a good night sleep.

I am just grateful. I am grateful for my health, for plenty of food, for the internet, for silly sappy chick flicks, the list could go on and on and on. But these are just a few that I wanted to share. Have a happy Thanksgiving and remember that I am thankful for YOU!