With Jeron away hunting we were wondering what we would do over UEA. Then at lunch one day Joy suggested we all go up to Idaho and stay at her in-laws. Her husband would be away on business so it worked out perfectly for us. Brittany and her kids, Joy and her kids, and myself and my kids all headed up to Idaho. When we arrived we were greeted by one of the sweetest women that God ever put on this earth. Joy's Mother-in-Law Gayle came out and helped us bring our kids in. She of course sought out Ellie right away to give her some smooches and loves. Gayle has a daughter with Downs. Her name is Ruth. I think she is in her 40's. (side note: When we had Ellie, the Bouck's came over to see us and let us know about his sister Ruth. I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Ruth ever since.) Ellie was taken by Gayle the moment she met her. She felt very comfortable with Gayle the rest of the trip. We get inside and Gayle has Halloween coloring pages and makers out for the kids. They each had to color what they wanted to do while they stayed at her house. JJ and Emma both colored themselves riding a horse. After they finished Gayle hung them up on her wall.
After unloading we went to the Corn Maze. This was so much fun for the kids. Moms were a little nervous but did good. Nothing like 13 kids running in high corn every which way to set a few nerves off. It is funny to see us all twisting and turning and the little kids saying "oh no, not this way"

After the Corn Maze there was a Hay Maze for the little kids. Ellie and Lucy went through with me. I would say "How do you do?" to each of the things that they had like scarecrows and ghosts. Lucy started saying "How do?" then Ellie started saying "How do?" I loved it. They were giggling and running all over. It was cute to watch. There was also a killer swingset by the Hay Maze. All the kids played on this and loved it. It had a tire swing, climbing rope, and swings for all sizes. Jonah even tried to make it to the top of the rope. He almost did. Us city folk have a hard time with that kind of stuff.

After all the fun and playing our little bodies could stand we headed back to the house to make pizza. Gayle had Goblin Punch for the kids. They thought that was awesome. Once the bellies were all full the kids settled down and watched a movie while we all talked and ate. Then it was off to bed.
The next morning we got a slow start. Getting that many Moms and kids ready is a big deal. Gayle had made Halloween pillowcases for each of the kids. Yes she just whipped up 13 pillowcases in her spare time. While us ladies were getting ready the kids got to decorate their pillowcase. My kids love theirs. They immediately took off the old pillowcase and put on the new ones.

Once were got ready Dave or "Grandpa" as all the kids called him had a big surprise for the kids. He took us on a hay ride up the mountain. Once we got there we roasted hot dogs. The kids all sang "Wheels on the Bus" and especially loved the part where it was their name used. The JJ on the bus says "I'm so tough", the Emma says "I want FABULOUS." and the Ellie says "How do you do?" (They all had to have their part listed for this post.)

Once we got there the kids ran off to go and climb up the side of the mountain. One of the kids pulled a rock and about a three foot by three foot section came falling down. Us being the paranoid mothers that we are immediately told the kids to play somewhere else. When we first arrived I had a pesty little bee that would not leave me alone. I put vanilla sugar lotion on and so it really must have liked me. Brittany found it really funny me running around with a bee chasing me. I probably did look really silly. We should have known this was not the only bee that we would see.

Grandpa, JJ, Jonah, and Ben(Bouck Cousin) all got to work and got the fire going. We then started roasting hot dogs. I shouldn't say we. Dave and Gayle did that while we stood back and watched. We got the kids loaded back on the trailer and had them start eating.
That bee of mine must have seen all the food and went and found friends. Soon there were bees everywhere. The kids started sreaming...Isabelle ran off with her plate of food and the bee would not leave her alone so in her attempt to get away from the bee she dropped (threw) her food, and her Mom was not very happy about this. Isabelle got a good scolding. I think all the kids felt the way that Isabelle did though. Grandpa told us all to just calm down and they would leave us alone. That is when the first bee struck. Of course it had to get Emma. Right in the armpit, then Savannah (Bouck Cousin)on the hand, then Joy on the hand, then Gayle on the hand, and one last sting on Gayle's neck.
Enough was enough, we decided to load up and get the heck out of there. As we were packing a bee started following Brittany. She was holding a drink and mother like daughter Brittany threw her drink in the air and went a running. I will have to say that might have been the highlight of the trip for me. Joy and I both took turns lecturing her on the proper way of carrying our food and drink while being chased by a bee. It was pretty hilarious. Thanks for the laugh Britt. Once we were loaded up and heading back all was forgotten and the kids were having a marvelous time again.
When we got back to the house the kids took off to go and feed the cows, and pick apples. They raked leaves and had a blast. Who knew work could be so much fun. Joy and Brittany planned a little Halloween party. Joy made sugar cookies and Brittany did a treasure hunt. The kids loved the treasure hunt. She had clues all over the yard that lead to a big tree in the front with all sorts of goodies. Thank you Brittany, that was so much fun.

Gayle of course contributed to the treasure hunt with a magnifying glass, and silly glasses. The glasses were a hoot.

This was the end of the Snow trip. I had planned to get pictures a month before so we had to head back home to get pictures. The kids were bummed but on their way out Joy handed them each a cookie so that they felt a part of that. Thank you Joy, they were darling and yummy.

We had so much fun staying on the farm. My kids loved it and will talk about this for years. Thanks Joy for inviting us. Thank you Gayle and Dave for making us feel so welcomed in your home.
wow! I'm worn out just reading about the trip. It looks like it was a lot of fun though. I would've LOVED that trip when I was little. Heck! I prob would still love that trip. So much fun. Did Emma cry when she was stung? Did she scream bloody murder like me when I was stung by the wasps? hahah
What a fun trip! Too bad about the bees, but I'm glad it didn't ruin the day. And I LOVE a good corn maze!
Wow! I don't think you could pack anymore fun into two days if you tried!!
And on top of that you rushed back for pictures. Ya, you aren't a fun Mom at all! What are you talking about? You need to be nice to yourself.
I love the picture of Ellie, Kevin's Mom, and Ruth. So cute. Did Ellie and Ruth get along?
What fun!! Your pictures always turn out so darling! I HATE bees, so I was getting a little frieked out reading your post-yikes. I'm glad you had such a great time!!
Wonderful trip, wonderful friends! How FUN!!
How fun. It looks like a great time. I am so glad that you got to go up there. I love fall on a a farm and I love corn mazes. We went to a corn maze up here and pulled up a just started laughing. The corn was only knee high. YOu could see everyone just walking aroung the field. So funny. I think next time you trip should be just a few hours more north and it can be to my house. I am so sad I missed seeing you while I was down there.
It's me again. I am so glad that you left a comment on my post. I was beginning to think that you didn't read my blog anymore, and that you were mad at me. HOpe your not, and Hope you know just how much I miss you, and wish I was a better friend. I think your great, and I love love love your blog!
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