Today my little angel Ellie turns four years old. I can't believe how fast time flies. It seems like only yesterday that I was very naive and unaware of how drastically my life was about to change. The day Ellie was born is a day that will probably go down in the history of Megan as the most happy and sad I have ever felt in one day. Having a baby brings so much happiness. There isn't a better moment then the one when you hear the sound of your new baby, the touch of their skin, the smell, the so perfect. It is a moment that I didn't know could change so quickly.
About five hours after she was born the doctor came in the room and asked my brothers to leave. Jeron and I both looked at each other and knew this wasn't going to be good news. This is the moment my entire world changed. The moment that I didn't know that I WAS prepared for. The moment that I would never give back. When the doctor told Jeron and me that Ellie had Down Syndrome I thought my world had not only changed but shattered. I couldn't handle this. I was certain that Heavenly Father had made a mistake. Heavenly Father in his perfect knowledge had to know that I would not be able to handle this. I should never question Heavenly Father. I should have known better. He had prepared me, my whole life He had prepared me for this moment. I can look back now and see the things that helped me to be able to handle my new life.

I can't even tell you have much things have changed for the Snow family. She has changed our lives in a way that I never thought was possible. I have learned so much about love. Not just any love but pure love. The pure love that Christ has. The love that is perfect. Ellie has this love. It is what we are all here to learn and my "imperfect" little Ellie already knows this. I have seen her with all different types of people and she seeks out the ones that need her. I don't know how she does this but she does. As her Mother it has been amazing to witness. I have had people tell me how much she has helped them when they needed it most.

I guess what I want to say most in this is that I am so thankful to my loving Heavenly Father for allowing me to have this sweet piece of heaven in my home. I love you Ellie. Happy Birthday Sweet Angel.
I'm bawling inside. I am so grateful for our sweet Ellie as well. She is the light of all of our lives. Thank you! Happy Birthday Sweet Ellie! I love You!
What a doll she is!! Happy Birthday and thank you for that sweet post, you are an inspiration to us all Megan!!
Happy Birthday to Ellie!
You know what is so funny? Yesterday I had literally no idea when Ellie's birthday was. None. Not the month or anything. But I went to my Special Needs Mutual and was talking to a downs syndrome girl and for some reason, we got to visiting and I told her that a very good friend of mine also had a very special down syndrome daughter. I told her that I was sure she was going to be celebrating her fourth birthday any day now and it would surely be a happy day. I went away thinking, "hmmm...I don't actually even know when Ellie's birthday is. I'm not even sure that she's turning four this year." And then I look at your blog and here she is, having a birthday!!! I love that girl. She really is someone special and I'm so glad she's a part of your family.
awe happy birthday ellie.. she has brought so much joy and love into my life! what a doll! you did a great job raising her! (btw we aren't sure what to get her??- help!
Happy Birthday to Ellie!
What a touching post! When I think of Ellie I think a lot about the day she was born. Do you remember that we were on the phone when the dr. walked in to talk with you and Jeron? You said to me, "A dr. just walked in so I gotta go" and I told you I would be there soon. Crazy! Little miss Ellie is truely an angel. The love she carries with her is palpable and she truly blesses all she comes in contact with. Her tenderness with me last summer will always be a memory I hold dear to my heart. I love her so much and I love and respect you both soooo much for the mother and father you are to her!!
Happy Birthday Ellie!!
Crying....she is so sweet! Happy Birthday, Ellie!
She is an angel, and you are an amazing mother. I want you to know how much I am inspired by you, and how much I admire and respect you. I love reading about your life, about your family, and all of your adventures. Your family is very lucky to have you! Ellie is a beautiful girl, and I can tell how lucky you are too!
Happy Birthday Miss Ellie!
What a sweet little girl. You really are lucky to have her in your home and blessed to be her mother. You can sure see the special light in her eyes...what a beautiful girl! Happy Birthday Ellie!!
I feel like I know her just a little from your posts. Her eyes look into your heart, don't they.
Happy Birthday Ellie!
so precious! i love the pic of you holding her when she was a baby! too adorable!
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