Emma and Daddy tried to do this a while back and while Daddy was helping her he accidentally squeezed her hand in the brake. This made her want to stop for the day. Not to long after JJ had a bad spill on his bike. Having seen this, Emma decided that bike riding was for other people not for her. After a lot of convincing she finally decided to give it another try.
This is before we started. She is way excited can't you tell.

Very nervous, but willing to try.

Doing better with Mommy's help.

Mommy letting go. She totally took off.

Who needed help anyway. Look at her go. After only five minutes.

I think it is really sad how long it took us to just convince her to do it. She loves it and has been on her bike ever since.
Good for you, Emma! Yeah! Gavin is a little nervous too. He can totally do it, but is scared to fall - he didn't once. Maybe you will encourage him. :)
I sure was hoping she would be nine before she learned...
Way to go, Emma! You're awesome! I was wondering why it too you so long to post this. I think you told me about this a week ago. I love her little worried face. It reminds me of me.
Go Emma! Learning how to ride a bike is a huge accomplishment. The next thing you know she'll be learning how to drive :)
Woo Hoo Emma!
Good job Emma.
We are *still* trying to convince Tara to try. I'm sure she will just take off, if she will just try.
I thought for sure my little Cameron was the only child still on training wheels. Way to go Emma!! I had Cameron look at your pictures to try to inspire him but to no avail, "maybe when I'm older he says"!!
Love her little tongue pic....so great! Way to go Emma!
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