Playing Night games

This makes me happy and sad. The girls all love to be together, but Elsie is getting so big. She is sitting on the couch just fascinated by her sisters. Or as we call them her sissies.

We went up to my parents on Saturday to watch the Utah game and the byu game. We didn't know that the Utah game was on ABC so we really didn't need to go up there. It was fun to watch it with my Dad and David though. I like to have people cheering for Utah along with me. Jeron kind of does, but then he has to make some rude comment about how they got lucky and stuff like that. In case you don't know the score here it is.

On Sunday after church we headed up to Millcreek Canyon for some R & R. We took Michael with us and I think that the kids loved that. It was fun, we just hung out in the cabin because it rained the whole time. We ate junk the whole time and loved every minute of it. We played speed scrabble, and BS. I will have to say that I rocked at both games. I am such a good liar, it is to bad that is is a sin. Because I have got skill! (I just want you all to know that i think lying is horrible. In fact there is not much else that can make me as mad as a person that lies. No need to worry, I won't take it up or anything.)
It was such a nice night, with the rain and coolness. I love sleeping in the cabin and listening to rain. It was fun to spend some one on one with Michael. It has been a long time since we have done that.
On Monday we had our cousins up and had a breakfast. Due to the cold weather we were not able to invited everyone. We ended up just having the Cracrofts come. They have kind of adopted my kids as cousins, so it only made sense. We had a great time. It actually snowed and hailed buckets. It was insane. If the weather wasn't insane enough, the kids were. They all took hyper pills or something because they were out of control. I loved it. Jeron has never had a big family so for him I think it was crazy. I miss old times with cousins. When you are little there is nothing better then cousins. Even today I still just love my cousins.

When we got home we were so tired. We both took partial naps and then headed to my parents for yummy hamburgers and fries. The kids went hot tubbing and then we had to get home because it was a school night. We had a really fun Labor Day weekend.
nice pictures!!! I had so much fun.
I miss night games, too. Capture the flag was my favorite growing up. I love that you took pictures of everyone up at the cabin because we don't see ya'll enough. All those smiling faces make me happy.
What a fun weekend! Oh how I forgot about the good ol night games. I lived across the street from a church and we would play Sardines around the entire church, now that gives you some serious hiding spots!! How fun and what a good Mom you are!
What a fun weekend! I loved night games too. I loved kick the can and ghost in the graveyard. Oh, the good old days of being a kid.
That's so fun that you guys get to hang out at the cabin. Wish I could join you there!!
thanks again. it was so much fun. love you.
Thanks Megan for the night games. My kids had so much fun. I think we should gather the adults and have some fun as well. Thanks also for letting Keith hang out with you this weekend. He had fun.
Night games hunh? I wanna play, no fair!
Well, hopefully the nightgames thing becomes a regular affair! Holy Crap JJ gathered a big group. Awesome kid. All of your cabin pictures always make me happy. We really had such a great time when we went with you. You're always doing fun things with your family.
I am so happy to see the comments that you leave on my blog! It truly makes my day. That in itself is birthday present enough. I am so happy to have you for a friend, and as much as I love this blogging thing for keeping in touch, I miss seeing you face to face, and having a conversation. I am coming down for conference, and I want so badly to see you and your cute Elsie. I think that she reminds me of Emma( my Emma) a lot. Cute girls, we need to get them together.
What a fun, fun, weekend!! I love hearing about all the fun things your family does!
Wow! what a weekend! You really know how to keep busy!
I love being at our cabin too. Just something about being away from it all, I guess!
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