We had the opportunity to go to President Hinckley's viewing. We went with Grandma Jan. Jeron had to work. The kids got to ride trax. This was a fun new adventure. We then waited in line at the Confernece Center for about 3 1/2 hours. The kids were very well behaved. They would let you sit in the building for about one hour. During this time Ellie went over to a section that was leaving to take their turn. She waved to each person as they left and said "Hi" with a huge smile on her face. Almost everyone said hi back and would think she was so cute. THere was probably a whole row of teenage boys and they all gave her hi fives. She loved it. It was neat to see the faces of those people light up when they saw her. After that it was our turn to go and view President Hinckley. It was a really neat experience. It lasted about 10 secounds but well worth the wait. I have never had such a rush of the spirit in my life. Jan and the kids said the same thing. It was a long long long day but worth it. On Saturday I felt like a mac truck had hit me. So we just watched channel 5 most of the day. The funeral was so nice. Emma was sweet and said " That was the best show I have ever seen." I think the kids will really miss him. I sure will miss Pres. Hinckley. JJ bore his testimony today about his feeling he had at the viewing. It was really sweet. I love when my kids do things like that.
I am glad you had the opportunity to attend; you are such a good mom. I also loved JJ's testimony -it was real and sincere (no whisperings in his ear were needed).
Wow your a trooper waiting three hours with kids. Good Job! Thanks for sharing your experience it made me feel the spirit today, wahoo!
Such a great family you have! I love it!!
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