Our family just wanted to express our love and appreciation to our beloved prophet Gordan B. Hinckley. He was such an example of what a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints should be. We loved our prophet. JJ and Emma both were sad by the loss. They wondered what we would do without a prophet. It was a nice moment to be able to explain to them that the church will still go on and that we will soon have another prophet. The Lord will always provide a prophet for us to follow. I had the opportunity to meet President Hinckley when I was 19 years old. He came to our singles ward Fast and Testimony meeting. He just came to listen to the testimonies of the future leaders of our church. The spirit he brought into that room was one you long to feel, and never want to let go of. When he had to leave I was sad to see him go. He was a warm and caring man. You knew that even though he didn't know you personally, you knew that he loved you. He will be missed. We thank thee oh God, for a prophet that truly did guide us in these latter-days.
I love President Hinckley too. I am so happy you have taken the time to write such nice comments about him and to teach our darling grandchildren how our church works. Love you.
Look, Mom is participating! Yay! Anyway, thank you for your words about President Hinckely - I love him as well and will definitely miss him. I keep reading story after story about his life and am so amazed at how selfless he was - he put our gospel above everything in his life and to me that is amazing... He was such a blessing to our church and he will be missed dearly.
PS.... Please don't go with Elizabeth :(
Yay I finally was able to see your cute blog, I LOVE IT!! Your freaking family is soooo cute! Love you and thanks for offering to help last week.
That was so nice. I love President Hinckley too. He is going to be missed, but I bet he is so happy to see his wife and those that have gone before.
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