Friday, June 1, 2012

Schools out for summer

This year has been a bit crazy with the new baby and life still going on.  I missed most of Emma's friends this year because I got there late. I felt horrible. luckily her teachers  were still gabbing so I was able to get a picture with them, and her cute friend Ashlee.  I missed Ellie's teachers and friends :(
JJ, Elsie, and me hurried and made this sign for the kids.  
So when they got home this is what they saw.
These kids are pretty excited for SUMMER

I love that you can barley see Boo.  JJ is done with Elementary, Emma is on to 5th grade, and Ellie is a silly 2nd grader now.  They are getting so old. 
Let the CrAzY begin...or at least let the lazy start.

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