Thursday, February 16, 2012


I have been so nervous this pregnancy.
Last time I was preggo I started having contractions at 28 weeks.
At 30 weeks I was put on bed rest.
I was told that most likely if I had another baby bed rest was inevitable. 
So, here I am preggers with that next baby, 24 weeks and...


contractions have started.
I am getting nervous about it.
Yesterday, they were the take your breath away kind.
I don't want to go on bed rest.
It killed my body and was incredibly boring. 
Boring in a way that depressed me...bad.
It sent my whole world into complete chaos. 
I still to this day haven't picked up where I left off before bed rest.
My doctor told me I know what to do.
I know what to do but I don't want to do it.
But I also don't want to spend one day in the NICU 
because that is a worse hell than bed rest.
So today I am taking it easy
crossing my fingers my contractions decide to calm down
and tell this little princess that she wants to stay inside me where she is safe and warm.
and hopefully my other little princess will understand why the TV is babysitting her.



Company EIGHT said...

Oh Megan, I know how hard bedrest is, but also how worth it is. Take it easy--

Jana said...

We will pray the little peanut stays put for a LONG while. Take it easy and don't beat yourself up about it. The older kiddos will understand and will be grateful too when baby sister is home and healthy. Love you!!!

Lacey said...

Megan, I'm so sorry. No fun at all. Please let me help in any way. Don't hesitate to call. Madi would love to come and help tend with Emma. Good luck girl. I hope your little princess decides to stay nice and warm for just the right amount of time.

larshannon said...

Wish I was closer. Really. Good luck.