Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years

New Years Day started off right at midnight with lots of pots and pans banging outside while fireworks went off all over Mama and Papa's neighborhood.  Jeron and my first picture of the year is a little scary.  We both look extremely tired...maybe because we are. 
The kids banging their pans

Having so much fun.
Baby it's cold bang the pans inside.
We decided that with church in the morning and I wasn't feeling well we better skip the crab...Record scretches to a stop I know...who ops for no Alaskan King Crab?!?  Only crazy tried people.

And besides, we needed to get this little princess to bed.
Happy New Year


Jana said...

Happy New Year!!!!

Melanie Arkoudas said...

I like Jeron in a beard! Has he had it long?
What a fun New Year's Eve! You are the best! I love your little family!