Tuesday, June 14, 2011

pOol pArtY

Maren and I were running out of things to do.  Finally the day warmed up just enough that we were able to play outside in water.  So we headed over to the local wally world and bought a swimming pool for the little lady bugs.  When we got to the house we made some quick phone calls to get an air compressor to blow that thing up.  Could you imagine me blowing it up.  I'd of passed out in a matter of minutes.  Once that was done half the neighborhood was over to enjoy the new pool with us.  We got the balls for the ball pit out, which were a HIT if i do say so myself.  We filled that bad boy up and the girls had a blast.  The didn't want to stop,  It was relaxing of us and the kids loved every minute. 
Maren was introduced to a lot of my neighbors which was nice.  They all know about her and now they finally get to meet her.

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