Friday, April 15, 2011

kind of cOrNy but FUN

If you know me at all you know that I LOVE my feet.  They are the only part of my body that I have total confidence in.  If fact one day while at the temple a lady leaned over and said "You have cute feet."  I said "I know."  I realized I probably shouldn't have been so cocky sounding but truly I do think they are cute.  Haha.  Why pretend like I don't.  I did remember to say thank you finally.  Elsie stands in front of the mirror all the time and says "I'm pretty".  I love this about her.  I never want this to change but change it will.  The only thing that I will openly say I love is my feet.  That is simply because they are the only part of me that is cute in my eyes.  Well, now after this long windedness I ran across a blog that features different things each month.  It is called I am... I thought it would be fun to put a post on it.  The blog owner has a topic every month and you send her a picture and one sentence comment.  You all should do it.  Next month is Mothers.  Since I know most of you are mothers or have a mother;) I hope to see a lot of familiar faces in May.  Have fun being you and please know Each of you is BEAUTIFUL to me.


Company EIGHT said...

I think we need a picture of your feet. :)

Jana said...

I love you!!!

larshannon said...

I wouldn't be choosing my feet...maybe eyes. Your feet are cute.