I was bummed this year because I needed to stay dry so that I could go to the hospital after the parade. I was glad to see that one of my kids is as crazy as me. I love the the water and love to get soaked and it looks like JJ is the same. Emma on the other hand does not like the water. She kept saying it was because she was going to the hospital but you have to wonder.

The kids and me headed down to see Mama at the hospital after the parade. I was a little nervous to take them because I didn't want them to be scared but they wanted to go. On the way down everyone fell asleep except for Elsie. Emma woke up and I told her to look at the ugly thing up on the mountain. (It was the Y) She looked at the mountain and said it is so brown that is ugly. That is when I showed her the way and she said "Why would they put that on the mountain?" in a very disgusted voice. Then I woke up JJ and said look at the mountain. He took one look and in a droggy voice said "BOOOO" It was hilarious.
The older two did just fine seeing Mama. They are so happy that she is doing so well.

Ellie and Elsie on the other hand were a little scared. Ellie kept saying "Mama, Owieee" They didn't want to get to close. I could tell Ellie was very worried.

After the hospital Jeron and I took the kids to get Taco Bell. Then we went to the fireworks. We had laid out blankets earlier that day so we would have a spot. We found an awesome parking spot really close. As we were walking up Maren called me and said we are here where are you. We were pleasantly surprised to have Maren, Ryan, Michael, and David come and join us. As we were laying out our stuff we hear "hey, what are you guys doing here?" It was Smitty and Ashlee. We all ended up watching the fireworks together. I was so happy. It almost made it feel normal. One thing I love about the 4th is it is a great time to be with your family and this year felt so weird. It was nice to have it end on some what of normal note. I did miss Mama and Papa and Grandma and Grandpa though. The fireworks were a little shotty. They had some technical difficulties but all in all it was good. I will have to say I love my chessy Kaysville Parade and Davis Fireworks. I love tradition and this is one of my favorite ones.
Uncle David and his Boo

When we went to our van after the show we were in the non moving line. Jeron noticed smoke and realized it was our van. We ended a really great time with some sad news. Our van is probably moving on to van heaven. We think we blew a head gasket. BUMMER! We will have to see about that later. JJ said "We woke up in a different beds then our own, we didn't do a breakfast, we didn't save spots at the parade, we got rained on at the parade. we didn't have a bar-b-que, we went to a hospital, we ate Taco Bell, the fireworks broke, and then the van broke, this was a weird 4th of July."
I love the 4th of July. I love that it is about freedom, family, and fun. I just want to say though that this year when I was listening to the tribute for the soldiers on the radio it brought tears to my eyes. I am so grateful that my family lives in a country that is safe and free. We are so blessed to have the freedoms that we have. Most of us have never had to give up much to enjoy these freedoms. I am so grateful to those who are willing to sacrifice for me so that I can raise my family in peace not fear. When I see the flag I always feel a sense of reverence. I am thankful for a country that lets its citizens have a dream and actually be able to attain it. God bless the USA!
will you please explain to us who are out of the loop, why your mom is in the hospital???
Sad about the van :( But even if it was a "weird" 4th of July, I'm glad your mom is doing well and that in the end you got to hang out with the fam.
I think it just a crazy year or something, glad that everyone is okay and shocked that Ellie doesn't freak out at the parade and fireworks. Sorry about the van car problems are no fun!
Happy 4th of July!! Your kids look cute as always and even if it was a weird one it looks like everybody had a blast! So, your mom is home now right? I sure hope she is recovering well. And, I am SO GLAD you were surprised with so many wonderful family members to end your day!!! Good luck with the car troubles, that is never fun.
It looks like you guys had a fun 4th. Your kiddos are so adorable! I'm sorry to hear about your mom, I hope everything is going ok with her now!
**You can kind of see the Davis Fireworks from where we were, and Lagoon didn't do fireworks this year so we didn't see them! But it was fun to go up there and watch!
Hey Megan...how's your mom doing? I was thinking about her all weekend. Hope all went well. And fun Fourth pics!
Sounds like you had a crazy fourth. I am glad your mom is doing good. The fireworks may have seemed like they were having technical difficulties but actually they retired the huge flag they used for 9/11 in a ceremony and that is why there was a gap in the fireworks. It was amazing to see!!! Hope to see you guys soon!!!
Keep us updated about your mom. Even if you had a weird 4th, it sounded nice to me.
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