I was exteremly worried about the drive home. Elsie was so sick of the stroller that I knew the car seat was going to be worse. When we put her in the seat she threw a fit. I was nervous. Then she gave up almost immediately and went to sleep. It was like that almost the whole way. Except just outside of St. George.
Boo being a good helper
Daddy had to make one last stop at In and Out on our road trip home. This one is in Barstow CA The Johns and us parted ways here. I had to nurse and they headed on. Goodbye and thank you for such a fun time. We had a blast!

At one point a van pulled out in front of me going slower than I was. I had to slam on my breaks. I fishtailed all over the place. I was so scared. And MAD! I wanted so bad to give that van driver a piece of my mind. I would of if given the chance. I think this really scared JJ and Emma. JJ told Emma to put all the pillows by the windows in case we crashed. Also to hold her sweatshirt so she would have it. We had told them to be quite so he whispered all this to Emma. We were told this story the next day. Cute boy.
After that freaky experience then it was just trying to stay awake. I had to keep the music low to not wake Elsie who at this point was done. You can imagine me slapping my face and dancing to barley audible NSYNC. I had James Taylor on but he was lulling me to sleep. I will have to say I was thrilled to see Farmington and be home. Interesting fact. We left for California at 2:30 am. We got home at exactly the same time. Interesting.
I just want to say thanks to the Johns for going on this wonderful trip with us. We had a blast and love that we spent it with you all. Heres to Vancover 2010
ok, so i have just 3 words to sum up how i feel about your last few posts--- SO FREAKIN JEALOUS! ;)
I forgot to say in my last comment that you too are one of my favorite people in the world (even if you post horrible pictures of me!). I also forgot to tell you that when we got home Graydon pulled out a receipt from his pocket for the shake shack and it said at the top, Ruby's Diner and underneath that, Shake Shack. Little did we know when we ate dinner that night with just the ladies that we could have ordered a fabulous shake since Ruby's apparently owns the shake shack. Oh well!!
The trip with you guys was seriously the best. I am so glad we were able to go!! We love you guys!!
Sad that you had to go home. You trip looked like so much fun! I'm glad you made it safely though. You better not take Elsie out of her car seat anymore!!! And that was really cute of JJ - he's a good big brother.
I love that you did each day in a new post. It has been so fun to read about everyday and all the fun you had! I'm glad you were able to finally go. The kids talk about it everytime I see them!! So fun!
I love the picture of the three big kids together, priceless.
Why yes..... I would love to go next time!
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