Emma is our one child that tends to ALWAYS be getting hurt. She runs into things all the time, stubs her toe, jams her fingers, hits her head. You name it Emma will hurt it. The problem with this is that she is also my one child with a bleeding disorder. This tends to worry me at times. Especially when she is at school. I always am worried that she is going to start bleeding and nobody will know.
This week at school Emma was standing perfectly still when she got run into by a poor unsuspecting boy that doesn't know he should keep a 10 foot radius around little Miss Emma. Sure enough the two collided and Emma walked away with a sweet bruise on her check. The poor little fella walked away with a missing tooth. Man they hit hard. The thing that worries me is that her teacher didn't seem to think that was a hard enough hit to call the Moms of these two kids. Come on he lost a freakin' tooth. Does anyone else consider that a hard hit? Or is it just me?
you can't really see it in the picture but the bruise is about the size of a quarter.

Funny we just had an incident at school that I thought I should be called about too.
Hope she is ok.
ah i see it.. good thing she's a cutie pie- no one will even notice!
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