What is his name?
Jeron Matthew Snow
How long have you been married?
9 years 5 months
How long did you date?
Three long years. Commitment issues. :)
How old is he?
Who eats more?
Jeron out eats us all.
Who said "I love you" first?
Jeron did. But it was only to get some nooky nooky.
Who is taller?
Jeron by almost a foot
Who sings better?
I do. But he sure can make me laugh when he does sing.
Who has a worse temper?
I do most of the time, but when he lets loose hold on.
Who does the laundry?
I do. That is because I am a freak about it.
Who does the dishes?
Mostly me, but he helps out with the kids. I like the brake.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed.?
I do but when the baby is born we will switch
Who pays the bills?
I do.
Who mows the lawn?
Jeron! He thinks I do a crappy job. I think he is right.
Who cooks dinner?
Who drives when you are together?
Jeron always drives. If I do we get in a fight.
Who is more stubborn?
We both are. Our kids don't stand a chance.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?
Jeron most of the time. On the ones where he is moody I have to explain it to him and then he usually does.
Who has more friends?
I do. But everyone loves Jeron.
Who has more siblings?
I do – Jeron has 2 sister and 1 brothers… I have 1 sister and 3 brothers.
Who wears the pants in the family?
Toss up. Jeron says I like to think I do.
Now I tag Calee, Nichole and anyone else who wants to do it.