We headed over to the Davis County Fair for fun and heat. Yes, we love to sweat among the beasts of the field. So fun. I need JJ to make me another one of these. He does so much better.
There is also nothing more fun than holding creepy crawly poisonous, deadly, creatures.
like a tarantula
or a scorpion
or a dragon lizard
and of course the snake, that matches my shirt.
While we were off having a BLAST holding the creepy things Emry was playing in the sand box.

...and this is where our night got interesting. Every time we go to a place that has large crowds I write Ellie's name and number on her arm just in case she wonders off. Tonight I forgot. When we got back from the creepy crawlies Jeron was standing where I left him. I looked around and said "where is Ellie?" He said "I thought she was with you?!?" This is when we realized we had done the she has her, he has her, thing. Panic immediately set in as I looked around at all the masses of people. There was no way I was going to find a needle in this haystack. We went over to the stage and asked the singer to announce a missing child. Then we split up. Jeron stayed put just in case she came back, JJ went one direction, Emma and Megan went another. I headed straight for the police. Once I found the police I gave all her information and they put an APB out on her. The problem when Ellie gets lost is that she doesn't look lost. So any family that she is standing by will look like she belongs. It is terrifying because normally you see the tears in a child and you know he/she is lost. Not Ellie, she wonders and doesn't care that we aren't around. Then I start to think of the creeps because believe me the fair as just a few there. Now the panic has changed to terror. I decide to make my way back to Jeron because of course I left my phone with him. I run into Emma and Megan on my way back and they have tears streaming down their faces, along with me. They haven't seen her. We keep going to Jeron and JJ finds us and too has not see her. It was looking so hopeless. We get to Jeron and I don't see her by him. My heart drops. When we run over to him he immediately says you didn't take your phone, she is here. She was here the whole time. She must have just been behind someone because right when you left I found her. After we had all been panicked for 30 minutes and believe me that was the longest 30 minutes of my life, she had been there the entire time. We were all so relieved. We immediately wrote her name on her arm and then didn't let her out of our sight the entire night. Jeron had been standing in line for the clown the whole time this was going on and it was finally our turn. So the nuts still got their balloons.

We decided to make the night quick because lets face it that really took the wind out of our sails. So we hurried and saw the bunnies, chickens, ducks, and then we hit the petting zoo.
Elsie was in heaven.
What was crazy to me is my non animal loving child loved it. Ellie even fed them.
Emry just wanted to grab them all. She loved it.
Emma thought the camel was pretty cool
When we walked out of the tent we saw the Disney "D" all a glow on the mountain. Apparently it was started by some dumb kids. It really started small and took off quick. The entire crowd was transfixed on it.
We headed home at this point and got the kids to bed, then JJ, Jeron, and I headed up to get a better look at the fire. It was pretty awesome. It was spreading fast.
As we were heading back to our house we could tell that they had gotten it pretty much under control. It was impressive to see the firemen work so hard and do such a great job. What looked like a horrible situation they took care of pretty quickly. I'm impressed.