To the rest of the world this was just another day but for us we knew it was the day we would completely be out numbered. Before we could at least grab every kid by the hand with the two of us but now we don't have enough hands. Yep, we started out our day knowing we were adding a fifth child to our family.
I have had a lot of strange looks since this pregnancy. I can't believe how many people think this is so many kids. To us it is just FAMILY. And we are so excited to have our sweet new bundle come.
We were told to call labor and delivery at 6:00 to see if we should come in at 7:30. When I called they said call back at I did...they said to call back at 8:30. Now I am starting to get a bit nervous. I am SO DONE being pregnant and I'm starting to wonder if today is really going to be the big day. At around 7:30 we get a call telling us to head on in. WAHOO!!!
(not so flattering belly shot but you have to have one)
We get to the hospital and our nurse takes us to our room. She is a very nice lady and that right away makes me feel good. I tell her I want to go natural and she is totally on board to help in any way she can. Jeron and I are both nervous about the decision to go natural and getting induced certainly doesn't make it any less unnerving. So it was a relief to have a nurse that was totally on board and ready to help me focus.
Because Elsie had pneumonia they gave me the meds for strep B to just be preventative. First they checked me to see where I was dilated and shocking I was still at a 4...UGH! They started me on pit. and got the ball rolling. I needed the meds to be in me for at least 3 hours so they would not break my water until then. Jeron and I just hung out. He was a dork and said to the nurse "So, I have 3 hours, I guess I will go get breakfast. See you in 3." Haha, he is hilarious. (actually I did laugh)
There was one point that the nurse came in and said "Wow, you are having a pretty intense contraction on the monitor right now and you are just sitting there playing on your phone.You are Superwoman!" What she didn't realize is that I have been having pretty intense contractions for the past 3 weeks. This just felt like those. I will say though that she justified me in all of my wondering. I really was having some intense contractions and they just were not doing anything. Sure enough after the 3 hours they checked to see how much more my cervix had dilated and I was still only at a 4. This was around 11:30. They were coming to break my water at 12 so I called my mom and told her and Emma to head on down. The big show is about to start.
They broke my water at 12. It was crazy how they did it. She said because the sack of water had so much fluid it would have taken a pretty big baby to break it. They had to let the water out slowly. She let it trickle slowly while the nurse applied pressure. At one point the doctor said good job do that again. It was a contraction. I didn't do it my body did.
As soon as this process was over I started to have insane contractions. Jeron was an awesome labor partner. He would help me relax by pushing on my knees. He also was great to talk me through them. He kept me focused. Labor really is a two person job. (just one of you has the harder task:)) There was a point were I could feel so much pressure so I called the nurse and in a panic asked her to come in. They came running in and checked me. I was at a 6. WHAT!!! a stinking 6. I felt my heart sink. If this is a 6 I don't even want to know what an 8 feels like. I said "So, false alarm huh?!? The doctor said "Oh no, you are at a 6 but you will be pushing in about 5 minutes. Sure enough it came and it came fast. It is funny how just the littlest things could set me off during the hard labor. I couldn't stand the blood pressure cuff, so they took it off, I was so HOT so they put cool rags on my head, I hated Cold Play I wanted them turned off 2 minutes ago. I hope I didn't bark orders to much but I knew what I wanted dang it.
There was a point where the nurse said if you want to push you can start or you can wait because Dr. Sharp is almost here. I thought to myself "WAIT?!? I ain't waiting for no stinking Doctor". It was funny because they were giving me play by play of Dr. Sharps location. He is just around the corner. He is just down the hall. He is walking through the door. It is comical now, then I couldn't have cared less. I wanted to push and push I was going to do.
I can not believe how cool our bodies are. It knew exactly what to do. Even my legs knew to pull up. I know this because when it came time to push my legs shot up like a cannon. Then it was time to push. I turned to Jeron amid all the pain and took a moment to tell him how bad I felt that Mom and Emma didn't make it. I just couldn't wait any longer. It was time to push and nothing was stopping me now. I had a moment that only in my head I thought "WHAT ON EARTH WAS I THINKING!!!! I MADE A HUGE MISTAKE!!! I CAN'T DO THIS." (that was a sneak peek inside my brain) But do this I must. Dr. Sharp actually came in right as I started pushing. I will have to say my confidence in him is great so this help a ton.
I pushed and felt the most excruciating pain I have ever felt in my life, and out came the head. At the time I didn't realize this because she didn't make a peep. Apparently there was a sack around her that they took off pretty quickly. Then it was time to push again, and feel that pain again. Out came this beautiful amazing little angel baby. When you go natural the pain is so real that you feel everything right down to their teeny tiny toe come out. I screamed and hollered and screamed some more but not one tear was shed until they placed that beautiful little girl on me. I couldn't stop crying. Everything felt perfect. The pain was done! and here she was beautiful and mine.

Meeting Miss Emry Kate Snow.
There is a moment when you give birth that heaven and earth are in the room at the same time.
I feel this every time I have a baby. It might be why I love delivery so much. They are perfect and you can feel their spirits as they enter into the room. It makes me so emotional just thinking about it. She certainly is perfect in every way. Plus, the love that is there is overwhelming. You have never even seen this little bundle before but you already love her with everything you are. Jeron becomes putty in our babies hands. He is such a good daddy and it shows in the way he loves his babies. Right away he is smitten.
I think this is the first time that I got to watch Jeron cut the cord. That was pretty cool.
Then it is time to delivery the ugly twin as my doctor likes to call the placenta.
This was painful but nothing like delivering Emry.

Dr. Sharp loves to show us the placenta and he was holding it up just as my mom and Emma walked in. The literally missed the birthing process by a matter of minutes. Such a bummer. But really, Emry is here and isn't that what they wanted to see all along. They just missed me screaming like a crazy lady.
As Dr. Sharp was looking over the placenta I could tell that he wasn't to confident that it was all there. Then I heard one of the nurses say she is bleeding. The room became very calm and professional. I knew something was wrong. Dr Sharp informed me that the placenta didn't come out all the way and he needed to try to get it. My uterus had already started to close up and he needed to get in there and get it out. Here he is up to his arm inside of me scraping around. I could feel EVERYTHING!!! He was turning his hand around over and over scraping me inside. I thought I was going to die. He knew how much pain I was in so he asked his resident to try since she had smaller hands. It didn't help. They were pulling out huge blood clots but I was still bleeding. I could feel myself fading too. They were in the room with me but I felt removed. I just wanted to sleep. People would talk to me and I really didn't understand a word they were saying.

They had Jeron go with Emry and Emma and my mom stayed with me until they wheeled me over to the O.R. for a d&c. I could feel the blood pooling around my ankle and it wasn't until we got to the O.R. and they had me move to the O.R. bed that I saw just how much blood there was. It was a lot. In the end the guessdimated about 700 cc's. They just did a mild sedation and I went to sleep. It was the BEST sleep I have had in months. I seriously want a hook up on that stuff. I woke up and they were just wrapping up. They took me back to labor and delivery where my mom and Emma were. Jeron and Emry came shortly after. The details of things are a bit foggy from this point on. Even the rest of the night I was still kind of out of it.
I hate to say it but this post will be picture overload
Emry weighed in at a whopping 6 pounds 13 ounces and 19 1/4 inches
Daddy with his little ladybug
Miss Emry
Emma and Mama looking on watching Emry get weighed.
Meeting Emma for the first time
Meeting all her siblings.
Meeting her grandparents
Meeting Aunts and Uncles
These are Jeron's favorite pics. He loves to take pics of me looking stressed.
We are so blessed to have Emry in our family. I can't believe she is finally here.
She is perfect in every single way.