We planned a really fun party for the girls. The invitation were airplane tickets. She sent a brochure with the invitation telling the girls what countries they were going to and then the plane ticket told the time of the party. I will tell you EVERYONE questioned the party time of 2:17pm. Who knows of a flight that takes off at 2:30. I know I don't. :)
Next up was the Passport because we all know you won't leave the USA without a passport. When I was making these I started to feel like I was running a small counterfeit operation. Each of the moms set me a pic or I stole them off of FB. Hehe. I am such a hacker. I am pretty lucky my cute hubby works for a printing company because these things looked GREAT!
I am one that kind of forgets to pay attention to detail so don't look to closely or you will find out that all the girls are Male and that this is in all actuality Frank Moss's passport. Do I know Frank Moss you ask...No but his passport is on google.
Next up these cute girls would need some luggage aka gift bag for all their stuff. I made these easy EASY bags and they cost me less than any gift bag I was finding. The girls LOVED them. Totally worth the time.
Here is where JJ sat. He was our TSA agent. He ran the girls through security. We had each girl come in one at a time like the metal detector and then they picked their bag. Little did they know some of the bags had scissors in them. They had to step aside to get interrogated on what their intentions were having contraband in their bags. The girls just giggled and loved this part. JJ also pulled up their Passport on the computer and identified each girl. SO FUN!
The gate was E9 for Emma and she turned 9. We put up a sign and had them go down our long hall to the airplane.
Then then had to stop at the gate to give us their boarding pass. I stamped the pass and they headed down the terminal. My dad was the flight attendant and he showed them to their seat.
On the airplane the kids watched clips of the country they were going to. Here they are waiting because right when the party started our cute little birthday girl got stung 3 times by a wasp on the bottom of her foot. OUCH. They all waited so patiently.

So our first stop was France. After the pilot aka Jeron gave them the flight information on a little megaphone JJ started the in flight movie. It was a clip from Anastasia and Beauty and the beast. I did the song about Paris and the opening song Belle sings. This took about 10 min giving us time to set up for the fashion show. We just put Christmas lights on the floor and made it look like a runway. Then we set up the couches like we were the audience. My mom rushed them from the plane to get to their fashion show, which they were late for. I then went in and instructed them on how to catwalk and told them to hurry, hurry, hurry. Then as they walked out played music real loud and I told about each outfit. (All of the countries we went to I told the girls if they didn't feel comfortable doing something they didn't have to do it.) Sadly, about 3 girls opted out of a lot of things so there isn't cute pics with them.

Then they headed back to the airplane. Did I mention that Ellie and Elsie were also flight attendants and they served drinks, pretzels, and peanuts in flight. Our next stop was India. We had them watch a clip from the Secret Garden and The Little Princess. We turned the couches threw all the pillows on the floor. My mom brought pillows that were jewel toned and so did my mother in law. It really did look fun and cozy. When the girls came we applied Henna tattoo's to each girls hand and did the red dot on the forehead. We talked about Indian birthday culture. We had Indian music playing in the background. Plus for those who wanted we dressed them up like an Indian Princess. Each girl got to take home a veil that was soooo easy to make.

Our next stop was Hawaii. They watch 2 clips from Lelo and Stitch. Once they got of the plane we put Lei's on them and said aloha. We had put a tarp down with sand on it. Beach blankets, and a cheesy palm tree. Emma had some seashells she wanted to give the girls so we put them in the sand and the girls had to find them. We prepared a fruit platter with strawberry, pineapple, and grapes on a stick, with umbrella toothpicks. We did pedicures on each girl (who wanted one) even my dad helped with the pedi's. My mom painted most of the toes also. Each girl got a flower for her hair and an emery board.
I spelled Hawaii wrong. it is that whole pay attention to detail thing. Hehehe
Our next stop was Mexico and the girls went straight from the plane to our basement where we had a pinata set up. And because I stayed upstairs to set up for England we didn't get a single picture:( not even video. But here is what the pinata looked like.
While the girls were on the plane to England they watched Robin Hood. When they came out I gave them a quick etiquette lesson. They thought the rules were crazy but they followed them so well. The room was silent and believe me the rest of the party was nothing like that. It was so cute seeing them try to be so proper. We served muffins, sandwiches, and cookies. And don't worry it was chocolate milk. The girls looked so cute in their tea party hats. They each got to take that home. My mom cut all the cookies, bless her heart. My mother in law made the darling centerpieces for the table. The girls loved it all.
We headed to China next. They watched a clip from Mulan. When they came out we had all the supplies for them to make a Chinese fire dragon. And again I didn't take a single pic of the girls making it. But here they are on their parade down the street.
Emma got to be the head. They really put a lot of work into this. It turned out darling.
After all the hard work all they took home was a set of chopsticks. Hahaha.
Last but not least was Italy where we had dinner. I made fettuccine and spaghetti so they had a choice. I cooked the noodles ahead of time so that we just had to put them in hot water. My parents got the dinner all ready and then they had to go.
The girls had so much fun. The party last for 5 1/2 hours. It was a lot longer than I thought but it was so much fun. The girls had a blast and one of them even said "this is the best party in all history".